Week of February 8th

Do you have something to celebrate?  I hope we all do!  Please share with the team so we can celebrate together!  Teams that celebrate together, accelerate together! 

Please complete the Google Form with celebrations!  This is ongoing throughout the year!  I will add them every Thursday in our Newsletter! 

Remember to check out our Celebrations Page for updated shout outs and congratulations!

Previous Professional Development

February ESOL General Session

Thank you all for attending our PD on Tuesday, February 9th!  It was great to see all of your faces!  We know we are in the midst of ACCESS testing.  Celebrate that many of you have lots of STCs and TAs helping you this year.  The hope is to complete the test more efficiently and get everyone back to TEACHING! Thank you for all your dedication and support!  Below are all the links to the resources from the session. 

Upcoming Professional Development

March ESOL PD - Portal Registration 

Please remember we have the ESOL General Session every second Tuesday of the Month!  Our session March 9th is extremely important.  We will discuss scheduling support for next year. 

Elementary and Secondary PDs are on the third Tuesday of each month.  We will have PD for March. 

More information to come! 


Secondary ESOL Teachers 

Adding a new Nat Geo account to students

Please use the “Request to add students to Nat Geo '' spreadsheet if you have students who are not listed in Nat Geo when you search their name.  Complete the spreadsheet and send it to Tonya Benjamin (tbenjami@greenville.k12.sc.us).


High School ESOL Teachers 

As promised, we want to share with you all the information that has been shared with Principals and Guidance PLCs concerning scheduling.  Below are all the links to the PowerPoints and Resources.  Tanya Franca will be presenting further details and information in our March 9th General Session.

Guidance PLC Presentation (Includes links in Slide #8 to the ESOL Pathways)

Middle and Elementary ESOL Teachers 

Scheduling information for middle and elementary ESOL will be shared with principals on March 3rd.  The information for ESOL teachers will be shared on March 9th during the General Session.