Week of November 16th

Do you have something to celebrate?  I hope we all do!  Please share with the team so we can celebrate together!  Teams that celebrate together, accelerate together! 

Please complete the Google Form with celebrations!  This is ongoing throughout the year!  I will add them every Thursday in our Newsletter! 

Remember to check out our Celebrations Page for updated shout outs and congratulations!

Previous Professional Development

Rosetta Stone English

Thank you for all those that attended our Rosetta Stone English Launch on November 17th!  We are in the process of editing the zoom video recording, but Rick, the Rosetta Stone presenter, shared recordings and resources too.  Please use this information that is posted on the Rosetta Stone English page under Curriculum in this Newsletter.  

For information on how to implement, please use this one pager - Rosetta Stone English 

With concerns about headsets for the use with Rosetta Stone English, please see the Google Form concerning headsets on this Newsletter page. 

Upcoming Professional Development

ESOL Office Hours 

Tanya Franca will still be holding ESOL Office Hours 8:00-9:00 am every Friday.  With schools returning to 5 days a weeks, Kerry Culpepper and the ICs will no longer hold Office Hours on Fridays.  Please contact them directly to schedule support time.   

December ESOL PD 

Our ESOL PD will continue in the month of December.  Our general session will be December 8th and ESOL IC sessions will be December 15th.  More information and registration links to come in the next Newsletter! 


All English Proficiency Codes MUST Be Entered!

We are down to 64 AWs!!!!!  Special shout out to Kerry Culpepper for working with clerks and sending out reminders to ALL schools!  Remind your Clerks to enter a 9 for students that have ALL English on the Home Language Survey (HLS). The final funding report is TODAY, November 20th!  Get all students coded as much as possible!!! These EL student numbers affect the ESOL Teacher allocations and FTEs for the remainder of the year and the 2020-2021 school year!  We need all language levels in for AWs to have appropriate allocations and give an accurate projection of need for each school.  Please get the English Proficiency Codes entered!!!!!

eManagement Memo This Week

For your information, the pasted section below was shared with Principals this week.  Tanya has also been meeting with principals to clarify all information.  If you have been identified as the STC OR a TA for ACCESS testing (you cannot be both, STCs are no longer allowed to administer the test), you will receive an e-mail with all registration information and links for ACCESS training by November 25th.  Please save the dates listed below as a reference until you receive the links to register.  

Tanya is also organizing with administrators in meetings concerning ACCESS administration and planning ahead.  When aspects are determined, it will be shared.  Please begin checking our ACCESS page in the Newsletter for updates after Fall Break! 

Published in the eManagement Memo:

School Testing Coordinators (STCs) for district and state assessments can access the accommodations for their Virtual  English Learners through Enrich.  The accommodations are included in the ELs Individual Language Acquisition Plan (ILAP).  Please see the "Accessing EL Documentation in Enrich" for detailed directions.

ACCESS for ELs Immediate Updates

ACCESS for ELs STC and TA training will be offered by the SC SDE this year.  The SC SDE is holding the STC and TA training options on December 2, 3, and 4th.  The registration links for the SDE ACCESS training will be e-mailed to the STCs indicated by principals on the previously completed ACCESS STC Google Form.  The ESOL Department will hold follow-up ACCESS training January 6th for STCs.  Registration information will be e-mailed directly to STCs identified by principals in the Google Form.    Please contact Tanya Franca, Director of ESOL Services, with any questions, 355-2984, tfranca@greenville.k12.sc.us

According to the SDE, the ACCESS STC cannot also administer the ACCESS or be a designated TA.  All principals please complete the ACCESS TAs Google Form indicating the Test Administrators (TAs) for your schools no later than November 24th.  It is recommended that each school identify multiple TAs for ACCESS testing.  More information is on the form.  The registration links for the SDE training for TAs will be e-mailed to the TAs indicated by the principal in the form.  The ESOL Department will hold follow-up ACCESS  January 7th for TAs.  Registration information will be e-mailed directly to the TAs identified by principals in the Google Form.    Please contact Tanya Franca, Director of ESOL Services, with any questions, 355-2984, tfranca@greenville.k12.sc.us

ESOL Program Service Delivery Models

This information went out in e-mails this week, but we wanted to include it here as well as a reference. 

The Program Service Models need to be shared with your clerk before the pre-code date of November 24th as much as possible. We are on a tight timeline, so please do your best.   To make it as easy and efficient as possible, we have created a spreadsheet.  The link is below and it is a forced copy. I have also created a screencastify  explaining the easiest and fastest way to complete the spreadsheet.  Please complete and give to your power school clerks for entry as soon as possible.  Since you know how you are serving your students this should not take long.  It is literally two clicks per student.  For the Power School clerks, it will also only be a click per student (the new format does not require a date entry, it is only a check of a box).  This makes it much simpler.  

If you have more than one ESOL teacher at your school, you can share one spreadsheet and each of your complete the students on the same sheet and then share with the clerk. For example, at Lakeview Middle, there are 4  teachers.  One teacher (i.e. Mrs. Kimbril) run the non 9, pastes in the spreadsheet, and shares with the other three teachers through Google Sheets.  Each teacher completes their own students/caseload.   Virtual ESOL Teachers, you will share your completed spreadsheets with the Home School ESOL teachers for them to share with the clerks.  

Reference for Power School Clerks

Thank you everyone for working on the Program Delivery Models so quickly!  As I have gotten more questions, I have created a one-pager and a video explanation (1.5 minutes) concerning how to enter the Program Delivery Models into Power School.  You cannot enter data in Power School, but if your clerk has questions on how or where to enter the information, you may share  this with them as a resource.  Below is the link to the video and attached is the PDF one-pager.   

ESOL Cohorts Uploaded 

The ESOL Cohort fields in Power School were mass uploaded today, November 20th, in Power School.  YEAH!  That means less manually entry and one less spreadsheet you had to fill out! You do not have to give clerks any information except for newly enrolled students.  The mass upload did not replace any current ESOL Cohort fields that were entered by clerks already for this 2020-2021 year.  There were 251 students from last year that had entries that did not match the entry we tried to mass upload for this year and would have created duplicates.  We have the list.  You will be receiving your list from the ESOL Office if you have students to check.  You will have to verify the ESOL Cohort (years of service) field is correct with your clerks.  If it is correct, you do not have to change anything.  If the ESOL Cohort code is not correct, you will need to give the correct code for your clerk to manually replace the incorrect code. More detailed directions will be in the e-mail with your list of students to check. 

Headsets Google Form

With the Rosetta Stone English implementation and ACCESS testing coming up, we need to check the inventory on headsets for student use.  Please complete the Google Form as soon as possible.  Final deadline is December 4th.  Thank you for helping us plan ahead!