Week of May 24th

Upcoming Professional Development

ESOL PD Offerings during Summer Academy

Please find a full agenda of PD offerings hosted by the ESOL Office that will be offered throughout the summer and during Summer Academy week, July 19th - July 22nd

Please see the flyer for more information.  Please sign up for this virtual opportunity to learn and collaborate with ML educators and leaders from around South Carolina! 

Mark your Calendars!!!!

Our beginning of the year meeting on August 12th!  That is the district Professional Development day!  More information to come.

Highlights and Updates

Adding to our ESOL Team... 

We are expanding our ESOL Team due to the final passing of the budget this week to reduce the ESOL ratio to 80:1.  This is great news!  School baselines were updated on May 24th.  ESOL teacher locations and hiring will be finalized by June 4th.  

The draft ESOL Personnel chart will be shared in the week of May 31st Newsletter (to be shared June 4th).  Remember there could be changes over the summer, but in general, the updated chart will reflect the overall plan. 

National Geographic Curriculum

We were able to order the rest of the National Geographic Curriculum pieces for schools that had not received them.  This includes both Elementary and Secondary.  Schools that are receiving curriculum materials received an e-mail from Sonya League Friday morning, May 28th.  Please contact Sonya with any questions.  Be on the lookout for your curriculum materials!