Week of November 22nd

We are so grateful for your heart, passion, and dedication to our students, families, and Program!  Please enjoy your break! 

Upcoming Professional Development

Carolina TESOL Conference 

This year, Carolina TESOL is offering a virtual conference.  We are submitting for approval in the grant to have 25 participants (10 Elementary, 10 Secondary, and 5 ESOL Office).  

To take advantage of the opportunity, complete the Google Survey Interest Form.  If more than 25 complete the form, names will be lottery drawn. 

The expectation is that those that participate will do the following: 

If you are ready to commit to the above and would like to participate and grow through attending the Conference, please complete the Google Survey by 12:00 noon Monday, November 29th!  

Updates and Reminders

ACCESS TA Training Information

We schedule the ACCESS TAs training session during our January Monthly meeting. If you are an ACCESS TA (which is most of you!) please sign up with the ACCESS for TAs link and drop our January ESOL meeting session.  We will NOT be holding the January meeting.  ACCESS TA training will replace our monthly meeting. 

 Elementary TA

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Secondary TA

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


ACCESS Preparation Information 

Please watch the video and look through the Google Slides for links and needed information.  This is to help to clarify questions and help with the preparation of ACCESS testing. 

Google Slides
