Week of February 1st

Lexia Celebration

Especially now that the ACCESS for ELLs testing window has officially opened, this is a great time to remind and encourage your students to log on and continue working in Lexia. This will help our students to continue growing in their literacy during this time when they may not be receiving direct instruction from you. 

Let's take a moment to celebrate the top three schools that have had over 50% usage:  

Bryson Elementary - Melissa McCourry, ESOL Teacher 

Buena Vista - Delaine Heidt, ESOL Teacher 

 Westcliffe - Kelly Latham and Katie Crook, ESOL Teachers

Do you have something to celebrate?  I hope we all do!  Please share with the team so we can celebrate together!  Teams that celebrate together, accelerate together! 

Please complete the Google Form with celebrations!  This is ongoing throughout the year!  I will add them every Thursday in our Newsletter! 

Remember to check out our Celebrations Page for updated shout outs and congratulations!

Upcoming Professional Development

February ESOL PD - Registration links

Please make sure you register using the correct link for the session you plan to attend. This helps with the sign-in code during the session. Also, please select how you want to receive points (as Recertification Credit or Exchange Day) at the time of registration. After the PD, you have 5 days to go back and change how you receive your points should you change your mind.

The Zoom information to participate in the General Session are below: 

Elementary February General Session

Time: Feb 9, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 864 355 2984

Password: 473490

Secondary February General Session

Feb 9, 2021 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 864 355 2984

Password: 473490


Enrich Reminders

Look at the notes concerning 2nd Semester ILAPs and the Google Form for Electronic Signatures.  See detailed information on Enrich Page.

REMINDER:  If you have not completed the following, please do so ASAP! 

2021-2022 ESOL Intent Form

Recently the district sent a general intent form for all principals and supervisors to share with their schools and offices for certified staff.  The ESOL program works a little differently in that locations and allocations change according to student number and need.  We need more information to help us plan for the upcoming school year.  Please complete the ESOL Intent Form below if you have not.  I will be using this information to make plans during the month of February and March.  Please include all information that might help with program planning (including preferences of virtual vs. brick and mortar, location, part time vs. fulltime, etc.)  Thank you for all you do!