Rosetta Stone (Secondary)

Use the link below to access Rosetta Stone:  

Updated 8/22/2023

Link for Rosetta Stone training slides, Summer Academy 2023

Rosetta Stone Guidelines for Teachers

Rosetta Stone for Parents

Printable instructions for Rosetta Stone for parents are in both English and Spanish below.  MLP Teachers are encouraged to print these instructions to give to parents at Open House evenings so that parents can set up their own Rosetta Stone accounts. 

Click HERE for Spanish instructions.

Click HERE for English instructions.


The current authorization code is: 


Teacher Resources for Rosetta Stone:

Click the link to  access supplemental resources for each unit within Rosetta Stone.

Click the link to GCSD Rosetta Stone PD that contains instructions for how to set up student accounts, access reports, etc. 

Click the link to watch a Video about how students can explore additional content in Rosetta Stone.