Week of April 26th

Upcoming Professional Development

May Professional Development

Here are the links to register for the May ESOL General Session PD to be held May 11th.   Looking forward to our last session together for 2020-2021!  

ESOL PD Offerings during Summer Academy

Please find a full agenda of PD offerings hosted by the ESOL Office that will be offered throughout the summer and during Summer Academy week, July 19th - July 22nd

Please see the flyer for more information.  Please sign up for this virtual opportunity to learn and collaborate with ML educators and leaders from around South Carolina! 

Summer Intel II Courses

If you are in need of technology proficiency points. You can now register for the summer Intel II courses on the PD Portal. There are 2 online sessions available in case one is filled. 

Intel II: Emerging Technologies Online

Registration link for session 170559

Registration link for session 170564

Reminders and Updates

Enrich ESOL Plan Report

Reminder-This report can be used to check that you have completed an ILAP for all students 1.0-6.0, M1-M4, A1-A3. The plan automatically populates grades 3-5 for Elementary. You can edit the report by going to "Edit Report Criteria" and select the additional grade levels you need.  Please contact Kerry with questions.

End of the Year Checklist Updates

Sonya League will be sharing an inventory materials list for each school.  You do not have to create your own!  It will include the National Geographic and ESOL Curriculum materials each school should keep at their schools. Please contact Sonya League with any questions.