October 5th

Upcoming Professional Development 

Lexia Core5 (Elementary)

NEWS ALERT: We will be holding a special Zoom session concerning Lexia on Monday, October 12 at 3 pm to share updates and next steps. This is not a required meeting nor is it a PD session. We will just be sharing pertinent information to get you started.

Here is the Zoom information for you to join us: (Session will be recorded)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 993 1739 3080

Password: 664501

Lexia Core5 (Elementary)

As we prepare for the start up of Lexia, we are asking that you review the previously recorded training sessions.

Lexia training part 1 was held on July 27th. Here is the link to access the video for part 1.

Lexia training part 2 was held on August 3rd. Here is the link to access the video for part 2. 

We have invited our rep to join us on October 20th at 3 pm for our October PD session to give us a refresher. 

Monthly ESOL Meetings/Professional Development (PD)

We want to be sure that all ESOL teachers have an opportunity to attend our Monthly ESOL Meetings.  We have adjusted the the times and days to better accommodate the closing of buildings at 5:00pm for COVID cleaning and sanitation.  These new times and dates will begin in October.

We have divided our Monthly Meetings and PD in half.  The second Tuesday of each month will be our General ESOL Session and the times will run Elementary, 3:00-3:45 and Secondary, 4:00-4:45.  Topic based professional development sessions will be the third Tuesday of each month at the same times (Elementary, 3:00-3:45 and Secondary, 4:00-4:45).  We will record the sessions and links will be provided in the current week's Newsletter each time.

The Sessions are already created for sign-up in the Professional Development Portal! Please use the link below for quick access! 

Don't Forget! ESOL Open Office Hours 

We are here to support you!  We are excited to hold open time each week to support you.  You do not have to sign-up!  You simply enter the Zoom link if you have questions or need assistance.  Please note some sessions are specific to New ESOL Teachers.  Each of the ICs have an assigned mentor group.  If you are a new ESOL Teacher, please see the chart below to know who is your support person.  

ALL ESOL Teachers are welcome to attend all other open office hours to receive needed support!  

The chart with times and Zoom Links  (this is also located in SLIDE #9 and #10 in our September Google Slide Presentation)

Reminders and Clarifications

Do you have something to celebrate?  I hope we all do!  Please share with the team so we can celebrate together!  Teams that celebrate together, accelerate together! 

Pleas complete the Google Form with celebrations!  This is ongoing throughout the year!  I will add them every Thursday in our Newsletter! 

All English Proficiency Codes MUST Be Entered! 

We cannot have any blanks in the Power School field for English Proficiency.  The students' language proficiency code must be correct and entered.  Make sure you share the proficiency codes with your Power School clerks for all BLANKS.  If you already shared with your Power School Clerks, check with them to be sure they were all entered.  Bring them "banana bread" (favorite treat) to support them and keep them happy ;) Remember the proficiency fields determine FUNDING and ESOL FTEs (number of teachers).  We had over 726 blanks in my pull October 8th!!!! The drop dead date for funding is the 45th day.  That is OCTOBER 27th!  NOTE:  In your English Proficiency field you should NOT have ANY of the following codes:  CM, W, 6P, 7P, or BLANKS

Principals' Memo This Week

The following information went out to principals this week from Tanya Franca, Director of ESOL Services.  Please be aware of the expectations.  Reach out to Tanya if you need clarifications or have any questions.

Our newcomer English Learners (ELs) can be exempt from the district benchmarks according to the chart below.  Please contact Tanya Franca, Director of ESOL Services, with any questions or concerns.   tfranca@greenville.k12.sc.us 

Enrich and EL Accommodations:   Our ESOL documentation and reporting system is being created through Enrich this year.  This is completely new for everyone but will be worth the process as it will give full transparency and access to the needed EL documentation and data.  ESOL teachers are receiving continuous training and support.  We are completing the process in stages as to not overwhelm the teachers and make the process effective.  ESOL teachers have been advised to continue teaching and complete the documentation process in chunks each day.  We are now in the stage of creating the Individual Language Acquisition Plans (ILAPs) - previously referred to as the EL Accommodation Plan.  The final deadline for completion is October 30, 2020.   ESOL teachers will provide the accommodations to STCs for ELs concerning immediate assessments that occur before the October 30th deadline.  Please contact Tanya Franca, Director of ESOL Services, for further information or support. tfranca@greenville.k12.sc.us

ESOL Advisory Committee:  During the year we hold feedback sessions concerning our ESOL program and implementation of the Title III grant.  We will hold our first ESOL Advisory Committee meeting October 19th, 3:15-4:00.  All administrators are welcome to attend and join the committee.  All who would like to join the committee, please complete the Interest Form by October 14th.  If you cannot attend this first session, it will be recorded and shared back out with everyone that completes the interest form.  Please contact Tanya Franca, Director of ESOL Services, for further information. tfranca@greenville.k12.sc.us

Elementary Principals Only

An STC from every school must be assigned to oversee the ACCESS testing/assessment.  Please complete the ACCESS STC Form indicating the ACCESS STC for your school no later than October 19h. Please contact Tanya Franca, Director of ESOL Services, with any questions.

New Student Enrollment Procedures

For students enrolling in Greenville County Schools, please see the updated New Student Enrollment Procedures that include EL aspects. 




ACCESS 2020 Scores for ESOL K-8 Virtual Teachers

As previously expressed, the ESOL K-8 Virtual Academy Teachers need the ACCESS 2020 PDFs of the students on their caseloads.  Each virtual ESOL teacher will share a school Google Folder with the home school.  The home school ESOL teacher needs to add the ACCESS 2020 score sheets in PDF format into the Google Folder.  When the virtual ESOL teacher shares the school Google Folder, they will also share the list of students.  Please share the ACCESS 2020 PDFs for the students listed/requested by placing them into the Google Folder.  Thank you so much for your work and collaboration!

Students coded as SLIFE

Please have your clerks pull a report for you to double check your students who meet the criteria to be identified as SLIFE (Students with Limited/Interrupted Formal Education). 

Here is the criteria to determine if student should be identified as SLIFE:


b.     interruptions in formal schooling


      c.      consistent, but limited formal schooling

Here is how your clerks can pulled the report: 

PowerSchool Home Screen >GCSD Reports 2>Reports for Departments>SLIFE Students

Video Explanation

Translation/Reword of Directions

We have realized that translation and reword of directions is missing from the Classroom Accommodations area on the ILAP; however, in order for a student to receive this as an accommodation for state assessments, the student must receive the accommodations routinely in the classroom.

This has been added by the State for next years updates to the Enrich program.

EL Intervention Process

As explained and presented in our opening and September meeting, when an EL is failing subject areas and/or courses at the end of this first quarter, ESOL teachers need to begin the EL Intervention Process to support the student.  The following form should be utilized for this process.  Please read the directions on the form carefully.  If you have questions, please contact Tanya Franca, Director of ESOL Services.