Week 10
15 December 2023
Kia ora, EBIS Whānau
The last two weeks have been incredibly full on and at the same time they’ve flown by.
EOTC week was a huge success with the weather cooperating 95% of the time. Whether it was racing around the city, immersing ourselves in the museum, hanging with the monkeys at the zoo or slipping and sliding back at school it was huge fun.
Yesterday’s prize giving was a celebration of what has been a fantastic year. Eighty Six students received honours or excellence prizes, approximately a quarter of all students at the school. It was not simply a celebration of what has been accomplished, but also a celebration of the future with the unveiling of the 2024 school leaders. These students will have a huge role to play next year.
Thank you to all of the parents and whānau that attended, both in person and online.
Emotions ran high today as we farewelled those staff and students who won’t be returning in 2024. For those off to high school it is an exciting next step, but we do stress to you to take the time to reflect on all you have achieved and enjoyed at EBIS, before starting this new adventure. We also bid farewell to Amanda Hood and Jen Carey from our staff. Their impact is discussed in more detail within this bulletin.
Whether it was the stirring haka from some of our departing students, the final rendition of our school song or simply walking through the gate to exit the school for the final time as an EBIS student, tears were not far away for many students and staff.
Unfortunately, as is often the case the organisation for next year hasn’t been all plain sailing. This means we will still be working away in the background to ensure that the best outcomes are in place for our students when they arrive back at school next year. Classes for 2024 won’t be released until mid January. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Reports were issued this afternoon. As was the case mid year these can be accessed via the parent portal, using the same password as previously.
For those students returning in 2024 there will be a release of dates mid January via email. These will also be shared via our social media channels. In the meantime the important dates to remember are:
Thursday February 1
9 - 12:30 Year 7 and new students, 1:30 - 3 All returning students.
* School Leaders will be required for the entire day.
Friday February 2
9am Powhiri to welcome students and whānau to EBIS. First day of all students being at school together.
Finally we’d like to thank all of the parents and whānau who have supported the staff and the school through your time, skills and encouragement. We greatly appreciate all you have contributed to making EBIS a better place. Have a safe Summer, a restful Christmas and make lots of memories with your loved ones.
Thank you all for 2023.
EBIS Staff.
School News
From the Board of Trustees
"Kia Ora Evans Bay Intermediate whānau
The board held our final meeting of 2023 last week, and we discussed and reflected on the year that has been.
It has been great to see the success students have had in many areas of school including mathematics, science, sports and performing arts.
With the community opening up post pandemic it has been great to see students doing more outside of school as well as having more community involvement in school.
Once again, we want to thank our incredible teachers for their commitment to our ākonga and for delivering a fantastic learning programme across all areas of the curriculum.
We want to thank our students and their whanau. We appreciate the critical role our families play in the growth of our young people. The support for the teachers and leadership team is important to how the school is run. The family members who have donated their time to help coach teams, assist on school trips, sew costumes for the production and making sure their children are at school on time with everything they need for the day is so appreciated by us and the EBIS team.
We have big plans for the school over the next few years and value engagement from our community. You will be able to find on the schools website the scheduled board meeting dates for 2024. If you wish to contact the Board of Trustees please do so by contacting the presiding member via email (ebisbotchair@ebis.school.nz).
Finally, we wish you all a wonderful summer break, stay safe and enjoy time with your loved ones. To the year 7’s we look forward to welcoming you back next year and to our year 8 leavers we wish you all the best for your high school years.
Nga mihi
Evans Bay Intermediate Board of Trustees"
Prize Giving
Mr Young's Prize Giving Speech
Jen Carey
Although she was only at Evans Bay Intermediate School Jen Carey is going to be missed as she moves onto her next challenge. Due to the nature of her role, Jen has worked in most classes across the school and has immediately connected with the students and staff. She has also made an immediate positive impact coaching the girls basketball team and working with the sign language group who performed with the SoundsWell Singers neurological choir. While she was only with us briefly we are immensely grateful for all you have done at EBIS. Thank you and best wishes.
Jen is on the left in this photo.
Amanda Hood
The end of the year also brought to an end Amanda Hood’s time as a teacher at Evans Bay Intermediate School.
Amanda has been relentless in her quest to ensure students fall in love with science. This does not apply only to those students who are at EBIS currently but also to students who have gone on to high school, enthusiastic about science. It is this passion for science that has led to her finding an opportunity too good to turn down as part of the science team at St Patrick's College.
Beyond science, Amanda has made a massive contribution to maths teaching within the school and within her sporting passions, mainly sports which lead to you getting wet.
We all wish Amanda the best of luck in her new role, and are pleased she won’t be making the move on her own, with a small cohort of students also heading to St Pats next year.
Term 4 Science 2023
The EBIS Science crew has had an amazing term wrapping up our Science Extension program for 2023. This term has seen us dissect eyeballs and hearts, make ice cream in a bag, and we even tried our hand at wood burning!
We also had an incredible day out at the Island Bay Marine Education centre. We had hoped to snorkel but the Wellington weather prevented that. Mr Chave and I were super impressed that the students were able to move beyond the disappointment and make the most of the day. In fact, the students had an AWESOME day exploring the shore and watching the amazing octopus make very short work of munching on a crab!
The Marine Centre is always a highlight for me - and judging by the facebook post the team there feel the same about the EBIS students!
4 young EBIS scientists got a taste for what next year might be like when I took them to the Junior Science Competition hosted by WHS. They got to watch teams from St Pats and WHS battle it out! It was really cool to see some ex-EBIS students!
The Science Extension program has been a highlight for me and I will certainly miss this amazing bunch of students. I wish them all of the best for the future!
Miss Hood
Hanna, Neo, Marcel and India enroute to the WHS Junior Science Competition to see what they will be doing next year (yes, that was the 100th shot trying to get them to jump at the same time!)
Rocky Shore 2023 Photos
A HUGE wandering sea anemone.
How many kids can we fit in a whaling trypot?
So many things to investigate!
BGI Graduation
Last week a group of Evans Bay Intermediate students who have been working with youth workers from BGI had their graduation.
It was great to see the growth they have experienced as a part of this programme.
A huge thank you to Taine and Andrew for their mentorship and support. We are truly lucky to have them associated with our school.
2023 in Pictures
Sport at EBIS
UWH Term 4
What a fantastic term it has been for the EBIS Orca’s and the EBIS Eagle Rays UWH teams!
I am always impressed with these teams and how they give it their all at Tournaments! The last 2 tournaments of the year were no exception! We have consistently taken home 2nd and 3rd behind HIBS in the A grade tournaments.
We play in mixed teams so that all players have the opportunity to develop and to support new players. This means that year after year EBIS does incredibly well at Tournaments.
In term 4 the year 8’s wanted to play one final tournament together before they all head off to different schools next year. It was a fantastic event with both the year 8 team and the year 7 team doing really well! The year 8 team took home gold (yes we bet HIBS!) and it was great for these players to have this moment after playing together for 2 years!
Our WHS coaches are looking forward to welcoming the year 8’s heading there next year. I am sure there will be some friendly rivalry between the East and WHS teams at next year's tournaments! I look forward to catching up with those players next year.
Rongotai and St Pats do not currently have teams - but WHS welcomes any UWH players to train with their teams (they just can't attend national tournaments). Watch this space for a St Pats team in the near future…..
I look forward to seeing our current year 7’s returning next year for another year of early starts on a Tuesday morning! But for now, WELL DONE TEAMS you deserve a little break…..maybe with a bit of swimming fitness thrown in!
Miss Hood
The year 8’s celebrating GOLD!
The Year 7’s and Year 8's - they all know why they are celebrating!
The Eagle Rays - a Bronze medal to end the season!
The Orcas - a Silver medal to end the season!
The Eagle Rays - a Bronze medal to end the season!
The Orcas - a Silver medal to end the season!