Login Information
Most programs provided by CMCSS are accessed through ClassLink.
CMCSS Credentials
Student Login Information
Username: first.last### (###=last three numbers of lunch number)
Email: first.last###@students.cmcss.net
Password: FL#### (Capitalized first and last initials followed by last 4 numbers of Student PIN)
Teacher Login Information
Username: first.last
Email: first.last@cmcss.net
Password: Created by teacher and updated regularly
Teachers can locate student usernames and passwords by using the reports provided in the PowerSchool Portal page. (Scroll to the bottom of the Reports list)
Access ClassLink Launchpad
How to Generate a QuickCard for K-2 Students
Classlink is a web-based program that links student active directory accounts to other programs to prevent the need for multiple login requirements. Once a student has logged into their Classlink page the first time, they will have access to all of the programs provided by CMCSS that share the same credentials. Other programs that have different login requirements may be added to the launchpad. Students will log in to those programs one time from the launchpad. Subsequent visits to the site will not require a password unless it changes.
K-2 students may use a QR code to log into the laptop and Classlink to save instructional time that would otherwise be spent teaching students lengthy usernames and passwords. Please refer to the instructional video to learn how to generate these cards for your students.
Find Student Usernames and Passwords on PowerSchool
How to Create Login Cards for Older Students
Quickly create login cards for your students using the template provided and student data exported from PowerTeacher.
1. Log into PowerTeacher
2. Click on the printer icon
3. Select the desired report from the list
4. Use the information to complete the student login card template
Student PIN is a nine digit number. The last 4 digits of the pin are the numbers in the student password.
Student ID/Lunch number is the number near the student's name. The last three of that number is part of the student username.
Student Login Card Template
Mail merge tutorial for making student login cards
How to Change Password
Steps for Changing Teacher Password
Go to ClassLink and select the My Login icon
Choose the appropriate option from the two that appear
Fill in the requested information
Follow prompts until password is reset
Passwords must be at least 12 characters long and contain three of the following:
Uppercase letters
Lowercase letters
non-letter, non-number (!@#$%...)
Passwords cannot contain sequential numbers like 12345 or the word 'password.'
Updated 6/28/22: JC