Clear Touch Boards

The newest technology for the CMCSS is the Clear Touch Board. The board has smart, multi-touch technology that allows for 20 points of simultaneous touch and 10 points of writing, making it the perfect tool to excite and engage students in their learning.  Clear Touch Board users can search, edit, and create activities that will engage the learners with their masteryof the standards.

Clear Touch: Advanced (Chorus Lesson Creation)

This page will provide directions, links, and suggestions for how to use the Clear Touch Board. If you do not find what you need, please reach out to your building's Technology Integration Coach.

Board Basics



Use a microfiber cloth ONLY.

No liquids of ANY Kind.

Looking for a self-paced learning experience? Use this link to learn all the basics of the

Clear Touch Board.

Operating Systems


Home Screen

Android Overlay Toolbar - This floating bar is visible from every input and contains tools like Chorus, the Input Switcher, and more.

Chorus - This is Clear Touch's basic whiteboard app.

Browser - This is a Chrome web browser app.

Clear Touch Store - This has vetted apps made for Clear Touch. The apps are free, but may require a subscription. Apps such as Zoom and Microsoft PowerPoint are examples.

Getting Started - This opens a webpage in the browser to Clear Touch's help documents.

Collage - Use this app to connect and wirelessly project laptops' and other devices' screens to the Clear Touch.


Connect Wirelessly Via Collage

Collage - This app wirelessly shares your laptop’s screen to the Clear Touch board. It also allows you to control your laptop remotely using the Clear Touch’s screen. 


Clear Touch Collage for Wireless Connection.mp4

Connect Multiple Clear Touch Boards to Display Presentations

The Clear Touch boards can not only be connected to your laptop wirelessly, but can also be connected to each other wirelessly.  This uses a feature in Collage called Screen Groups. 

One Clear Touch is made the Main Screen and other Clear Touch boards are made secondary screens. A laptop can be connected to the main screen wirelessly through the Collage app. 

Clear Touch - Connecting Multiple Boards Wirelessly

Additional Apps


Stores all of the saved files on the Android of the board


Settings for the Android side of the board; Includes WiFi network, Sound, and System Update options


2nd Whiteboard app; Includes tools, like Mindmaps, that can convert handwriting to text


App used with USB cameras on the Android side of the board; take photos or videos that are saved in Finder.


3rd Whiteboard app; Artistic whiteboard with a wide selection of digital pens/brushes; Thickness of the line is controlled by the speed of the movement; custom colors can be blended

Android Overlay Toolbar


Shared Files


Windows 11 Tips

External Devices

You can connect external devices via the USB. This includes your own document camera. Every document camera came with a special USB cable that will allow it to connect to a computer.  Standard document cameras will only connect to the Clear Touch's USB ports that work with the Windows 11 PC. They won't be able to use the HDMI ports at all.  KiHS has a different model. Their document camera is a chargeable wireless camera called the HoverCam Orbit.  It can connect wirelessly, through USB, or through HDMI.