Clear Touch - Beyond the Basics

The newest technology for the CMCSS is the Clear Touch Board. The board has smart, multi-touch technology that allows for 20 points of simultaneous touch and 10 points of writing, making it the perfect tool to excite and engage students in their learning. A trial use of the boards was done at Kirkwood Middle School in the spring of 2023. Summer, 2023 saw over 250 teachers from across the district being trained on their newest tool for their classroom. Then, in August, 2023 Kirkwood High School opens with all teachers having a Clear Touch Board.  At Spring Break of 2024, nearly 300 more Clear Touch boards were distributed across schools in the district.

This page will provide directions, links, and suggestions for how to use the Clear Touch Board. If you do not find what you seek, please reach out to your building's Technology Integration Coach.

Clear Touch: Beyond the Basics

Clear Targets

You will be able to…

PC Side of Clear Touch

For this section of our Google Site, you will need to be logged into the PC side of the Clear Touch board. To accomplish this, switch using 1 of  the 3 methods below. 

Sign in using your CMCSS email address and email password.  

 When you leave your board unattended, be sure to either Sign Out or Shut Down your account so no one else can access your online tools as you.

Access Onsceen Keyboard 

An Onsceen Keyboard comes in handy when tapping into text fields.  Most of the time, one will launch for you, but there are a few instances when one does not.  To access an onscreen keyboard, turn on this feature in SETTINGS.

Snowflake Software

Alright, let’s move into your Clear Touch’s proprietary software called Snowflake.  As we stated in the "Clear Touch Basics" training, this program was designed to work specifically with the Clear Touch board.  It has some features you have seen on the Android side and some new ones that only exist here. Let’s start by launching Snowflake.

Elementary VS Secondary

If you are an elementary teacher, you should see the seafoam green background when your Snowflake finishes loading.  If you are a middle school or high school teacher, I highly recommend switching yours to the secondary level of Snowflake by tapping the Q in the corner and then “Elementary”. A window will open where you can choose “Secondary”. This will change your background to the forest and give you access to middle and high school lesson activities when we switch to that portion of this training.

Snowflake: Chorus

Just as the Android side of the Clear Touch has the Chorus whiteboard app, Snowflake provides a version for the PC side to use. There are many tools that are the same for both versions. However, the PC version of Chorus has a few additional features not available on the Android side. 

Let’s start by looking at the types of Multimedia Tools available in this version of Chorus. Tap on the Chorus icon inside of Snowflake to get started.

Snowflake Chorus - Picture Tools

Many of the tools and features of Chorus inside Snowflake on the PC side are the same as those in the Android’s version of Chorus. Both sides have Pictures Tool. What folders the Picture Tool accesses is the main difference, but it is a substantial one. 

In addition, the PC version of Chorus has access to "Recordings", "Screenshots" and "Content Gallery" folders built into Snowflake.

There are links to online storage services, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive. Our district supports the use of Google Drive through Snowflake Chorus.  It does not allow Google Drive access on the Android side of Clear Touch.  This is a district policy.

There are 3 tabs across the top - Media Browser, YouTube, and Lesson Activities

If you tap on the picture or video you've embedded, a set of tool buttons will appear below the image.  Using the image above,  the tools will be described below starting on the left and going right.

Snowflake Chorus - Insert Webpages

This button, labeled ‘WWW”, is for adding full live webpages to your Chorus whiteboard. It is not just a screenshot of a webpage, but a full working webpage, with some caveats. 

While it does say webpages, please understand that the web browser used within Chorus is a lite version of Chrome.  It can handle text, images, and video clips, but falls short if the site has interactive web elements, such as HTML5 or WebGL.  It is also a slower browser.  If you only need text and images, it will be fine. 

Snowflake Chorus - Text and USB Camera Options

Tap the UP button on the far right of the main toolbar. Most things should be the same as your Android Chorus, but there are some additions in Snowflake Chorus.

Snowflake Chorus - Setup  & Use a Whiteboard Slide Template

You can use the sidebar to add, duplicate, sort, reorder, and delete whiteboard slides to create a whole lesson slideshow of digital whiteboards

If you have taken the time to create a set of whiteboards that build a lesson and want to reuse them with other class periods or in future classes, you will need to save that set as a template before making marks and annotating. 

Saving is done in the Menu button in the bottom toolbar.

To build and save the template for repeated use, 

To use the template with the next class, 

Snowflake Chorus - Export as a PDF

Another option for using the slides as a set in Snowflake Chorus is to create a PDF of all notes and work done during class to share with students through your learning management system, ie Google Classroom or Schoology. Here is how...

Snowflake Chorus - Connect to Google Drive

As shared earlier in the "Beyond the Basics" section, Google Drive is available to Chorus and Snowflake on the PC side of the Clear Touch boards.  With that being said, there is a process for connecting to it.

To make navigation in Clear Touch's access to your Google Drive.  Make a folder that lists 1st in alphabetical order. One idea is to make a folder in your Google Drive called "000 Clear Touch Materials".  This folder will be one of the 1st to show when Snowflake connects to Google Drive. You can put other useful folders inside. Some suggestions are "Materials", "PDFs", "Chorus Slides", and "Pictures".

Snowflake: Lesson Activities

One of the greatest appeals of the Snowflake software is the Lesson Activities app.  Inside this app, there are thousands of pre-made interactive activities.  They are divided across age level, content area, type, and language.  It is easy to find something for nearly every teacher and student to use.

The 16 lesson activity types include...

Snowflake Lesson Activity Types Reference Sheet.pdf

Snowflake Lesson Activities - Edit Existing Lessons

While you have the ability to create any lesson activity you need from the tools listed above, it is not always necessary as Snowflake has a large library with thousands of lesson activities shared from other educators and from Clear Touch's content team.  You don't have to use them "as is" either.  Since it downloads a copy to your Clear Touch board when you tap PLAY, you can freely edit it without worry of changing the original.  Here is how...

Snowflake Lesson Activities as Gamification

Do you want to be the super-cool teacher who brings gaming elements into your classroom instruction? Do you want to in the easiest manner possible? Snowflake Lesson Activities coupled with the Zones tool can make that happen. Here is how...

3 Ways to Edit Snowflake App Navigation

In Snowflake on the PC side, there are 3 types of icons loaded into the hexagonal buttons...

Lesson Activity Favorites

Browser Bookmarks

Snowflake Activity Buttons

Lesson Activity Favorites

Snowflake's Lesson Activity Favorites come from inside the Lesson Activities app. These buttons are shortcuts that keep you and your students from digging through the My Lesson Activities section or the Community Lessons section to find when you need them that day.  They can be quickly 'favorited' or 'unfavorited' as you need them. 

First, open the Lesson Activities app.

Second, add the activity to "My Lesson Activities".

Third, click the Star icon in the thumbnail to either add or remove it from Favorites.

Browser Bookmarks

A second type of icon in the Snowflake navigation is the Browser Bookmarks.  These are clickable buttons that go directly to a website in Snowflake's web browser.

2. Go to the website you wish to add as a bookmark.

3. Click the Star icon to the right of the address bar.

4. Click the  Bookmarks View button.

5. Click the  Snowflake icon on the thumbnail to add or remove the Bookmark Button from the main navigation.

Snowflake Activity Buttons

The last set of buttons in Snowflake's navigation are for Snowflake Activities. These are apps within Snowflake that are not related to the lessons or the internet.  They include options like "Google Docs", Clock, and Piano. They run within Snowflake.

Add a Snowflake Activity Button

2. Tap the Settings Gear Wheel.

3. Tap OK on the Pop-Up message.

4. Tap the App or add an External App.

5. As needed, change the Background or Category Name.

6. Tap SAVE and CLOSE.

Remove a Snowflake Activity Button

2. Tap the Settings Gear Wheel.

3. Tap OK on the Pop-Up message.

4. Tap the Gear button on the app.


6. Tap SAVE and CLOSE.

Android Updates

For this section of our Google Site, you will need to be logged into the Android side of the Clear Touch board. To accomplish this, switch using 1 of  the 3 methods below. 

Sign in using your CMCSS email address and email password.   

When you leave your board unattended, be sure to either Sign Out or Shut Down your account so no one else can access your online tools as you.

Collage Updates

Android Overlay Sidebar Tool: Air Class