Email Signature
All CMCSS employees can generate a uniform CMCSS branded email signature by following these steps.
How to Generate CMCSS Email Signature
Navigate to the Employee Resources page.
From the Technology options, select Email Signatures (Figure 1)
Complete the form and Generate the signature
Select the signature by highlighting it, then copy. Right click> Copy or Ctrl + C
How to Add Email Signature in Outlook
Open Outlook (on the computer)
Open a new email
From the 'Message' ribbon select Signatures and select Signatures from the options to open the window for creating a new signature. (Figure 2)
Click 'New,' then enter a name for the signature. (Multiple signatures can be created so name it something that helps identify it.)
Paste the copied signature. Right click > Paste or Ctrl + V
Complete by selecting 'OK.'
How to Add Email Signature in Outlook Web App (from a browser)
Open Classlink
Select 'CMCSS Email' from the options in Classllink
Use the Settings Gear Wheel to select Options (Figure 3)
Expand the Mail and Layout Options.
Select Email Signature (Figure 4)
Paste the copied signature into the box and check the boxes based on preferences. (Figure 5)
Save when the signature appears correct and the setting choices are complete.
Edited 9/15/22: JC