Mrs. Pietrasiak

6th Grade English

By: Reagan Puhak and Mila Maricic

Q: What made you decide to teach English? 

A: When I was in middle school I had an English teacher that was amazing and had a huge impact on my confidence - academically, socially and athletically. He was "the hardest and strictest" teacher I have ever had, but he was also "the best" teacher I have ever had. He had high expectations for all his students and knew how to challenge them -- regardless if they were the strongest writer or the weakest writer in the class. He was also my field hockey and softball coach as well as my Student Council advisor. He cared about his students both in and out of the classroom and I have always aspired to be the role model that he was for me.

Q: What was your favorite subject in school and why? 

A: Surprisingly, it was not English; it was Math! For the most part, I loved Math and it seemed to come easier to me than other subjects, such as Science and Social Studies!

Q: What’s your favorite book? 

A: Oh boy....this is a tough's so hard to name just ONE.....I guess if I can only choose one, it would be Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen.

Q: What would your job be if you weren’t a teacher? 

A: Either a House Flipper or a Race Car Driver.

Q: What are your hobbies outside of school? 

A: Decorating, designing, traveling, reading, and gardening.

Q: Did you ever have any teachers that had a large impact on you growing up? 

A: Yes! Basically, see question #1 above.

Q: What’s a piece of advice you would give to a 6th grade student?  

A: Go big or go home! You get one chance on this earth -- so be awesome!

Ms. Fox Tree

All Grades Art

By: Reagan Puhak and Mila Maricic

Q: What made you decide to teach art?

A: I always had impactful relationships with my teachers but I never saw myself as one… Not until my senior year of high school when my art teacher made me feel seen as an artist (because I always thought my art was bad) but also a leader. She introduced me to new ways to think about art and how it can be used to empower myself and impact the world. I went on to study art and how to be an artist in the world and I am so honored with all the techniques I know now from my awesome professors. 

Q: What was your favorite subject in school and why?

A: Art of course :) I was just happy to be there and not in math! I was always doodling on all my classwork anyway.

Q: What’s your favorite style of art / art to create?

A: I love Baroque and Pop art, despite not learning about any of it until college. I love that it has a lot of secret messages in it. I love interpreting art myself but then learning what the artist intended because sometimes it’s completely different then what I thought. I enjoy thinking about different perspectives and how artist’s minds work.

I personally love creating ceramic art and that was my concentration throughout college. Although, I do not have as much access to do it for my personal art right now. Currently the art I create and sell/exhibit are variations of portraiture and sculpture installations.

Q: What would your job be if you weren’t a teacher?

A: I used to tell people I wanted to be a talk show host. I’ve always been outspoken and loved discussing important and random topics in the world. I also have very dry sense of humor, which I thought would be a good attribute of a talk show host. Before I switched to art education my plan was to focus on media communications but none of the schools had competitive lacrosse and I had my mind set on that at the time. 

Q: What are your hobbies outside of school?

A: I play/ coach lacrosse. That is a big part of my life. I also love making my own art, ice skating, skiing, and acting.

Q: Did you ever have any teachers that had a large impact on you growing up?

A: Yes, again that was why I decided on being a teacher myself. My teachers were hard on me in every way I needed at the time. I sincerely cannot express how much that meant for me at the time. I cannot just credit one either, there are so many that are attributed to my success as an adult. 

My hope is to make a positive impact on students like so many of my teachers did for me :)

Q: What’s a piece of advice you would give to a middle school student?

A: Every experience and risk taken teaches us a life lesson and unique perspective. Dare to be different!! Get involved in plays, clubs, and sports. Engage in the experiences without your phone, whenever possible. YOU can be resilient despite what this crazy world throws at you. 

Do not get caught up in too much drama. Middle school is hard enough. Be kind to each other, you do not want to look back and be the middle schooler that brought people down, you want to be the one that brought people up!

And of course make as much ART as possible!!