Washington D.C.

Places/Sites we visited


Overall, I really enjoyed the D.C. field trip and am so glad that we were given the chance to go. Although it was a long bus ride, and there was lots of traffic, it was a good opportunity to hang out with friends. Unfortunately, on the first day, we were supposed to meet one of our senators, Ed Markey, but there was traffic, and we showed up late, so we were unable to do so. The hotels at night were fun, and it was nice to have independence at the food courts and malls despite being on a school trip. We also went to a rec center with activities such as swimming and basketball, and that was a good time to bond, as well. As for memorials and museums, we visited a lot each day, and some of them needed more time to be able to completely enjoy it. Despite the short visits, the memorials were beautiful up close, and the designs of them were very well thought through. It was eye-opening to be able to see memorials and museums of the issues we learn about, and it is certainly an experience I won’t forget. Thank you to the chaperones for letting us go and making sure we had a great time! 

- Maddie

The DC trip was so fun! Thanks to all the people who made it happen, because it’s definitely a trip that would have been disappointing to miss. In February, we weren’t sure if we could go, because of COVID and other concerns. Fortunately, we were able to go and I’m so grateful that we could. I loved going to the memorials because it’s so cool to see so much symbolism in architecture. My favorite monument we visited was the World War II monument. It had a gorgeous fountain in the middle and was ringed with stone pillars with states’ names on them. It was definitely a beautiful and meaningful monument, and I’m glad we got to visit it. I think that the DC trip was meaningful for me in multiple ways. I learned a lot about our country, but I also strengthened my bonds with my friends in a completely new way. Living with your friends gives you a whole new perspective on a friendship, and I definitely felt closer to my friends after it. This was such a gratifying experience, and I’m so happy every year’s 8th grade gets to go.  

- Sharanya