2020 Election Vote Recap

From mail-in voting to people claiming fraud, it’s hard to keep track of what happened to the over 155 million votes casted during the 2020 presidential election. The following is a compilation of all the key events leading up to, and following the election regarding people’s casted votes. 

Mail-In Ballots

North Carolina started mailing out ballots on September 4th, making it the first state to do so. The biggest wave of states mailing out their ballots began two weeks later, consisting of 20 states. The state of Massachusetts mailed theirs out starting October 13th, along with Utah. Washington state was the last to begin mailing out ballots, starting to do so on October 16th, six weeks after North Carolina.

Early Voting

On September 14th, Pennsylvania was the first state to open early voting for voters who did not apply to vote by mail. The biggest days for states to begin early voting were September 18th, October 5th, and October 19th. On October 17th, Massachusetts and Vermont began letting people vote in-person early. The last state to open up early voting was Oklahoma on October 10th.


While Joe Biden campaigned in Pennsylvania and Trump held a rally at the White House, voters went to the polls to vote. A record-breaking 159 million voters turned up, the largest eligible-voter turnout in 120 years. At 11pm that night, Biden won 192 electoral college votes, while Trump gained 114, including 3 of Nebraska’s split votes. There were still 19 states and the rest of Nebraska’s split votes counting their ballots, and it was anyone's guess on who would win the election.


One day after the elections, 13 out of the 19 remaining states, and the rest of Nebraska’s split vote, announced their winning candidate. Joe Biden gained 61 votes, increasing his total vote count to 253. On the other hand, Donald Trump won 100 votes, making his total become 214. This sudden increase is due to the fact that he won both Texas and Florida, which in total have 67 electoral college votes. The remaining six states still counting their ballots were Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. When Arizona called its winning candidate differentiates between news stations, with the AP and Fox News already calling the race, while NBC, ABC, and CNN still having it open.


Four days after election day, Pennsylvania and Nevada announced the winner of their combined 26 electoral college votes, Joe Biden. When added onto the amount he already had, he came to a total of 279, nine more than he needed to be declared president-elect. While people like Barack Obama, Jeff Bezos, and Boris Johnson began to congratulate Biden on his win, Trump refused to accept the election results. In the meantime, countless Biden supporters people took to the streets to celebrate the win.

The Other 4 States

Alaska called their election results on November 11th, saying their 3 votes would go to Donald Trump. One day later, news stations like NBC and CBS said that the state of Arizona announced that Joe Biden had won the 11 electoral college votes the state had. This was the first time a Democratic candidate won Arizona since Bill Clinton in 1996. Donald Trump would win North Carolina, and its 15 votes, on November 13th. The last state, Georgia, and its 16 electoral college votes would be awarded to Joe Biden on November 19th, 16 days after Election Day. At the end of the counting, Joe Biden won 306 votes and Trump won 232.


After Election Day, Trump, his campaign team, and many of his supporters made various claims of the election being rigid, despite attorney general at the time Bill Bar saying otherwise. Somewhere ranging from around 50 to 60 lawsuits were filed surrounding this subject, with only one case siding with Trump, but without any effect to the outcome of the election. Strangely enough, two lawsuits involved Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook. They both claimed that he had paid money to interfere with the election results, although both cases were denied by court judges.