From Old 8th Graders to New 6th Graders

For many of us on the John Glenn Journal, this is our last edition. We have a great team here, majority of which are eighth graders. Whether they are moving up to BHS, or having a different high school experience, they won't be with the middle school much longer. However, it feels like yesterday when they were the new 6th graders. We thought it would be fun to have our graduating 8th graders write a little letter to a new 6th grader welcoming them to this lovely place we call JGMS.  

Hey 6th Grader! Welcome to JGMS. It is your first year of middle school! You may be nervous or you may be excited, either way enjoy these next three years. If you are nervous, try to remember this is just another year of school. If you are excited, remember this feeling and carry it with you. There are so many great opportunities here at JGMS. Join the clubs, sports teams, musical,...the newspaper 😉 and anything you are interested in. Enjoy yourself. To be honest, this "advice" probably won't help most of you. Why? Because you get to make your own experience. You get to be the boss of your own experience. Have a great year! - Diya Singh

Hello, Welcome to middle school. 2020 has been a hectic year for all of us, but Middle school is actually pretty awesome. At the time I am writing this, COVID-19 seems to be almost over, yay! That means that you might be able to enjoy your middle school years unobstructed. I hope this ages well. Anyway, my 3 pieces of advice is to enjoy these years, don't drown yourself in work. Take advantage of all the things you can do, like going to after-school clubs, hanging out with friends, and go on those field trips. Finally, Middle school is weird because you are not a child, but you are nowhere near being fully grown, so there is no clear path. Honestly, just do your best to figure it all out, it's like a three year long adventure. Well, I gotta go to next class, c'ya later! -Aleksi Dubaquie-Sanchez

Hey 6th Grader! You’re a middle schooler! Let that sink in for a moment. “Middle Schooler '', “Teenagers”, those labels now include you. Be careful though, don’t let them define you. You will learn so much in the 3 years you are in this building. Yes, knowledge on chemistry and the Roman Era, but more importantly, you will learn about yourself. You can leave your middle school experience with a whole new set of hobbies. It may feel like you need to rush into figuring out yourself, but take it from my experience, don’t push it. Don’t stress on what field you are going to go into or how you are going to do so. Just live. These years can be a ray of sunshine if you let the clouds part. Make friends, be happy, and like what you're doing at the moment. You're allowed to grow in change, so use that to your advantage. Good Luck, Maya Singh