Meet Some of the New Students at JGMS

Starting a new school can be nerve-wracking. Here are some of our new 7th and 8th grade students' first impressions.

~ Indiana Drake, is one of our new 8th grade students this year. She currently lives in Boston and just changed schools from Roxbury Prep to JGMS. She enjoys the school because JGMS doesn’t require uniforms and is more relaxed about coming into class late, and etiquette. Her favorite subject is math, and she is named after Indiana Jones.

 ~Another one of our new 8th grade students from Boston is Amelia Santos. She says, “This school definitely has more opportunities. Here, I do chorus which wasn’t an option at my old school and there is also a musical.” Amelia loves singing and music. She is also very excited for the D.C trip.

~Recently moved from Sudbury, MA is 8th grader Brendan Finnerty. He misses his friends but has new ones here. His favorite subject is Civics. He has never travelled outside of the U.S, but his favorite place he has been to is Florida.

~ Elijah Townsend has moved seven times. He is originally from Fort Wayne, Indiana, but before the start of Covid he moved to Newton, MA. Before the start of this school year he moved from Newton to Bedford. So far he likes JGMS. He says this school is bigger, and one of his favorite subjects is Civics.

~Sayontika Bhattacharya's favorite president is Barack Obama, and her favorite subject is Civics. She moved from Waltham over the summer. Compared to the Catholic school she used to go to, she says JGMS is bigger and that there are more students. 

~One of the new seventh graders this year is Marcus Lu. He recently moved from Lexington to Bedford. One of his favorite things about JGMS is that in science you can do experiments! He likes math the most out of all his classes, and his favorite physicist is Albert Einstein. 

~Another new student at JGMS is Logan. He moved from Colorado Springs and loves to catch animals. He loves cats and the color blue. His favorite song is Billie Jean and he is a HUGE fan of Michael Jackson.

~ Lawrence Andrade is  another new seventh grader from Boston. He plays basketball and football. His favorite subject is math, and he finds that this school is bigger and has more students then his old school.