Welcome Back!

We're Back Baby!

We are back to 5 days in school for a lot of students here at JGMS. It is a bit crazy to imagine we used to have this many students in class before. Everything feels super cramped. Here are a few things you can bring to help with the next couple weeks if you are a in-person learner.

Print Out A Schedule:

The schedule has changed! It might be helpful to have a fresh printout with the most accurate schedule. You can ask any of your teachers for a copy. There are also some posted in classrooms, so you can copy them down. 

An Extra Mask

An extra mask can always be helpful. If you misplace yours during lunch, or forget one coming into school, it is a must to have an extra in your backpack. 

Mints or Gum

Nobody likes mask breath! Bringing a pack of gum or a few mints is a great way to avoid mask breath and stay focused. 

Hand Sanitizer

There is hand sanitizer throughout the school, but it is still good to bring your own mini bottle just in case. Let's be honest, can you go anywhere without hand sanitizer nowadays?  

A Water Bottle

Water Fountains are still closed at JGMS, so bringing your own water bottle is a must. Especially because it is getting warmer.  

A Sweater or Sweatshirt

Lunch is being eaten outside, and it can be a bit chilly. Make sure you bring a sweater or sweatshirt so you don't freeze. You may also need it for gym class.