Teacher Spotlight

Want to learn more about your teachers? This month we put a spotlight on Mrs. Little, Mrs. Noferi, and Mrs. Kosinski!

Mrs. Little in 7th Grade

Mrs. Little

8th Grade English (Green)

By: Diya Singh

Why did you chose to teach English?

“English is by far my and has always been my favorite subject. I always grew up loving to read and to write short stories and so I majored in English as my undergrad degree. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with that. A lot of people told me I should be a lawyer because apparently that's what you're supposed to do when you have an English degree. That didn’t really fancy me that much and so I got myself into teaching and haven’t really never looked back.”

If you weren’t a teacher, what is your dream job?

“I’d love to be able to spend more time outside. Maybe I would do some sort of outdoor exploration where I could travel and be outside and meet all cool, new, different, interesting people. That’d be my dream job”

When did you decide you wanted to be a teacher?

“I decided to be a teacher after spending some time substitute teaching and realizing how interested I was in working with students and work with specifically with this age group, I really like middle school. Soon after that, I went and got my masters in education so I could become a teacher and work with all of you lovely folks.”

How many grades have you taught?

“I’ve only ever taught eighth grade officially.” 

Where did you grow up?

“I was born and raised just a few towns over in Tewksbury and my husband is also from Tewksbury. All of our friends are mostly from Tewksbury. Our parents still live in Tewskbury. We are what you call ‘townies’"

What was your favorite grade?

“I’ll have to go with 6th, because I had some pretty powerful teachers that year that I think really helped shape my thinking, and my passions. And I am really, really grateful for that year that I had. Starting middle school many, many moons ago.”

What was your favorite subject in middle school?

“Definitely English… me and my friends made a book club in 6th grade, actually. I think that was kind of the start of that passion and interest in literature.”

Do you have the same relationships with your siblings/family members, as you did in middle school?

“I have one brother. We were always close. We are only a year apart. We are still very close. We have kids that are young and they play together so that’s been really cool...like any respectful teenager would do, I totally disagreed with everything my parents said when I was 13 and tried to rebel and questioned anything they told me to do. Of course, in time that blossomed into kind of new found respect and you know, my parents have always been a big part of my life, but I think that I appreciate what they had done for me more so know as an adult than  I did maybe when I was in my teenage years.”

Mrs. Noferi in Middle School

Mrs. Noferi

7th Grade Science (Purple)

By: Abby Cutrona

Why did you chose to teach this subject?

"I’ve always loved science and finding out how the world around me works. "

If you weren’t a teacher, what is your dream job?

"I’d probably be a marine biologist.  I would love to spend my days out on a boat or a beach studying whales or sharks."

When did you decide you wanted to be a teacher?

"When I was in college, I worked in a cancer research lab and planning on going onto be a scientist.  At the same time, I was volunteering with a group of college students to go into a local school and do hands-on science activities with kids.  I liked it so much that I applied for a teaching job when I graduated and I’ve been doing it ever since."

Where did you grow up?

Milford, MA

What was your favorite grade?

"11th-I had settled into high school, was taking classes I really liked and playing sports with a lot of my friends.  Getting my license that year was pretty nice too!"

What was your favorite subject in middle school?

Definitely Science.

What do you think are the most important qualities in friendships?

"I appreciate friends who are laid back and enjoy spending time together.  I also think it’s important to support each other and be there for one another during tough times."

Young Ms. Kosinski 

Ms. Kosinski

7th Grade Science (Navy)

By: Sharanya Vaidianathan 

Why did you choose to teach this subject?

"Everyone loves Science...right?? I always thought that Science was the most challenging, interesting and inspiring of all of the subjects when I was in school. It also has such a broad range of topics that it is hard to find a student that can’t be inspired by at least some facet of science. I hope that some of my students might consider a career in the sciences.  I know so many talented students here in Bedford."

If you weren’t a teacher, what is your dream job?

"I would also love to have been a professional athlete, coach or athletic trainer. Truthfully, I always wanted to go to the Olympics,"

Where did you grow up?

"I grew up in Burlington, MA and now live in that same home with my husband and children and alongside the same neighbors that have lived there for many, many years."

What was your favorite subject in middle school?

"I bet that you are expecting me to say science? But if I am really thinking back to my school days, I always loved physical education. I still do!"

What do you think are the most important qualities in friendships?

"The most important quality in friendships is that your friends allow you to be yourself. Trying to be someone you are not is exhausting. Really great friends encourage you to be the best version of yourself!"

Do you have the same relationships with your siblings/family members, as you did in middle school?

"My only sibling is my brother, and we have always been close - except for that one time I somersaulted onto his head and he bit me in the behind (he was only 5)! Relationships change, but family is family. I always tell my own children that no matter what goes on outside of our home, they can always come home to remember that there is no one that loves them more in this world - including their siblings!"

When did you decide you wanted to be a teacher?

"I decided I wanted to be a teacher when I was in college."

What was your favorite grade?

"My favorite grade was probably 3rd Grade because that teacher (Mrs. Hughes) had a very lasting impact on me. She made me believe that I was capable of anything - and because of that, I was. "