
For most students, dances are a big part of their middle school experience. Unfortunately, dances haven't been able to happen this year because of the COVID pandemic. Dances are just to dangerous to attempt at this time in the pandemic. I asked a current 8th grader about their dance experience in 6th grade. She said, "Dances were loud and very crowded.  There was a lot of drama, but it was nice to be there with friends.  Overall, the dances were a ton of fun and I was always glad that I went." Another 8th grader didn't have as much of a positive experience. She said, "I didn't like it. It was awful. Some other kids were having fun though. The music was booming through your entire body. It was very crowded in the cafeteria. I guess the reason I didn't enjoy it is because I don't really like to sing or dance in front of people and I'm quite shy. Plus, it was rather overwhelming." Based on these responses, it is clear that attempting a dance in the current situation would be a bad idea. Hopefully, when things go back to normal, dances can happen again, because whether or not you like dances, they should be available for people to experience. A middle school social life is just as important as your classes and grades.

At this time, the dance is still postponed. Once the COVID cases go down, it may be possible to reinstate dances.