Teacher Spotlight

Want to learn more about your teachers? This month we put a spotlight on Mrs. Amirault, Mrs. Breaux, and Mr. Puopolo!

Mrs. Amirault in middle school

Mrs. Amirault

Class of 2026 Counselor (8th)

By: Sharanya Vaidianathan and Maddie Plurad

Q: What made you decide to be a school counselor?

A: It would take me a long time to explain all the experiences that made me decide to become a school counselor! For as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed helping people and been a person friends or family could rely on for support. I did a lot of volunteering in high school and college, and enjoyed mentoring  and working with kids in school the most. These experiences helped me realize that I wanted to be a school counselor, and that I would enjoy the work. 

Q: If you weren’t a school counselor, what would be your dream job?

A: If I wasn’t a school counselor my dream job would be costume stylist or cake decorator.

Q: What do you think the most important qualities in friendship are?

A: I think the most important qualities in a friendship are trust, respect and acceptance. I also think it is important for your friendships to have a sense-of-fun and that you feel good when you’re together. 

Q: What was your favorite subject in middle school?

A: My favorite subjects in middle school were English and Art. 

Q: What is a piece of advice you’d give a middle school student?

A: My piece of advice would be to not rush growing up - enjoy your time as a kid and teenager - you have your whole life to be an adult! Also remember that middle school is hard for almost everyone - even  the people who seem like they have it all figured out. 

Q: What was your favorite grade in middle school?

A: My favorite year of middle school was 8th grade. 

Q: What are some of your hobbies and interests?

A: I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, running, playing tennis and baking. 

Q: Did you have a different job before this? If so, what was it?

A: Yes - before becoming a school counselor I was a graphic designer. 

Q: What is your favorite book and movie?

A: I have a few favorite books and can’t pick just one! My two favorites are Beach Music by Pat Conroy and  Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. I have so many favorite movies!! My two favorites are An American in Paris and When Harry Met Sally.

Q: What are some other cool facts about yourself?


Mrs. Breaux in middle school

Mrs. Breaux

6th Grade Reading (Yellow)

By: Caitlin Plurad

Q: Why did you choose to teach this subject?

A: I have always loved to read. I chose to teach reading so that I could help students develop a love for reading. 

Q: If you weren't a teacher, what would be your dream job?

A: I think I would enjoy selling houses. 

Q: What was your favorite subject in middle school?

A: My favorite subject in middle school was science, mostly because I really liked the teacher. 

Q: What is a piece of advice you'd give to a middle school student?

A: Stay in your lane!! Don't worry about what others are doing and BE KIND.

Q: When/How did you decide you wanted to be a teacher?

A: I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. I used to play "school" with my brothers and cousins when I was a child and I was ALWAYS the teacher. 

Q: What was your favorite grade in middle school? Why?

A: My favorite grade in middle school was 7th. I went to a region Jr. High school that was grades 7th-9th. Because I had lived in two of the five towns, by the time I got to 7th grade I knew more students than most. I felt special knowing so many more kids than most of my friends from the same town. 

Q: What was your proudest moment in middle school?

A: I joined the cross-country team in middle school. I was not the best runner, but by the end of my first season I was able to place in the top 10 in one of the races. I remember feeling super proud of this accomplishment. 

Q: Do you have any fun, secret talents?

A: When I was in middle school I worked at county fairs all across New England as a clown!

Q: What is your favorite book?

A: Choosing a favorite book is like choosing a favorite child, it can't be done. An excellent book that I just finished is "From Broken Glass: My Story of Finding Hope in Hitler's Death Camps to Inspire a New Generation," by Steve Ross. 

Q: What do you want students to know about?

A: I want my students to foster a love for reading!

Mr. Puopolo

8th Grade Science (Green)

By: Anjie Chen and Abby Cutrona

Q: When/Why did you choose to be a teacher?

A: I love science and I love kids and this gives me a chance to do both. I love when kids are a little anxious about science, and then they find something that they like about science.  I also like being around people that love science

Q: If you weren’t a teacher, what would be your dream job?

A: I got a couple.  I would be either a field biologist or I would be a woodworker/furniture maker or fly fisher.  

Q: What was your favorite subject in school?

A: Biology, that was also my undergrad major

Q: What is your favorite grade in middle school?

A: 8th grade

Q: Mrs. Mcgraw said you were a very quiet student during middle school, any comments on that?

A: I found my voice, she was right but I found my voice much to the displeasure of others.  

Q: We all heard that you love fishing, what do you find most enjoyable about it?

A:It's a challenge. It gets me outside to experience nature.  It brought me to some amazing places… The best part of fishing is that I got to fish with my dad.  I also get to fish with my kids.  Some of my best friends I made while fishing 

Q: When you die, what do you want to be remembered for?

A: A good person that cared