September 7-8, 2023

Our Week in 4K

September 7-8, 2023

Dear Families,

We have had a great start to our busy 4K year!  Here are a few items to remember to help keep the momentum going.

*As teachers, the most stressful part of our school day is dismissal.  Daily in the planner please write your child’s changing transportation plans (sitter, mom’s house, dad’s house, pick up).  Having this information written in the planner saves time and alleviates stress for us and your child.

Reminder- A.M. dismissal is at 11:00.  P.M. dismissal is at 2:50.

*A.M. 4K starts at 7:50. Children should not be dropped off at school before 7:30.  P.M. 4K starts at 11:50.  Drop off students need to arrive by 11:40 so that we can meet/pick everyone up at one time outside of school.  Late arrivals will need to buzz into the office.


* This week you received 4K homework called On Track to Kindergarten.  Complete activities during the week as your family has time.  Homework can be kept on the “right back to school” or homework side of your child’s folder for the entire week.  All homework sheets will be removed from student folders every Monday and replaced with new sheets for the week.  Completing and returning homework weekly is a 4K expectation of all students/families.  

***NEWS***  Starting September 11th we will begin studying a new color and shape each week.  Our first color will be blue.  Please help your child find blue clothes to wear on Monday, September 11th.  Each Monday we will be taking a group photo of the children who are wearing the color of the week for a class color book.