October 2-6, 2023

Our Week in 4K

October 2-6, 2023


*Our color this week is red, our shape is an octagon, and the Word of the Week is “help.”  *We watched a fire safety music video and practiced Stop, Drop, and Roll.  *We identified some of the special clothing that firefighters wear to stay safe. 


 *This week in small groups we are learning to safely use scissors, identifying safe and not safe items to touch, and sequencing the steps to stop, drop, and roll.  *We took turns jumping over a pretend candlestick to learn the rhyme Jack Be Nimble.  *We reviewed the fire safety tips we learned on Monday. 



*We made dalmatian headbands.  *We read the book Firefighters by Norma Simon.  All of the fire fighters in the book were dalmatians.  *We watched a Scholastic fire safety video. 


 *Walkathon Day!  Check my folder to see how many laps I did.  *Look on YouTube for our ending song this week.  It is a book that is sung called Fire Truck by Ivan Ulz.  It helped us practice keeping the beat.  *Waupaca homecoming parade and football game.  

Next Week:

*We will be learning about the color green and the shape square.  Our new theme/study is trees.  Wear green on Monday, October 9th. 

Additional Information:

*WLC Parent/Teacher Conferences- October 12th, Nov. 2, and Nov. 9  *Walkathon money due Oct. 19th  *No School- Oct. 20th  *Picture retakes- Nov. 2nd  *Reminder: On Track to Kindergarten Homework is due every Monday.  Completed student work is an expectation for all 4K students and families.