January 22-26, 2024

Our Week in 4K

January 22-26, 2024


 *No School


 *Our letter this week is Uu, our number is 7, and the Word of the Week is “down.”   *In small groups we are learning to make the letter C, writing number 7, and graphing with shapes.  *We read our Scholastic magazine about snow and force (push and pull).  


*We read the book Snowballs by Lois Ehlert.  *We identified 3 things that people need in order to have energy (water, healthy food, and sleep).  *In Phy. Ed. we have been practicing our bowling skills.  *We have been doing Zumba for exercise during our ending song this week.    


*Report cards sent home.  Sign and return the manilla envelope.  Report card papers are yours to keep.  *We read the book Max by Rachel Isadora.   *Starting this week we are doing our SMART exercises instead of table activities.  First students write numbers 0-5 and their name and then do as many exercises as they can before large group.    

Next Week:

We will be learning about the letter Oo and the number 8.  Our new study will be pets.

Additional Information:

*If anyone is unable to print a pet picture for the February Family project feel free to email a pic and I will print it at school.  Projects are due on Feb. 8th.  *Valentine cards are due to school before Feb. 13th.  *No school- February 19th  *Spring Break- March 4-8th  *Parent Teacher Conferences- March 14th 3:30-7:30