October 23-27, 2023

Our Week in 4K

October 23-27, 2023


*Our color this week is black, our shape is an oval, and the words of the week are “I” and “me.”   *We read the book The Nuts: Bedtime at the Nut House.  *We are learning the rhyme/fingerplay “5 Little Pumpkins.”


*This week in small groups we are identifying less and more, making a leaf book using position words, and are using our wood pieces to make Mat Man.  *We reread the book The Nuts: Bedtime at the Nut House.  Ask me why Mama Nut was getting mad in the story.  *We made a connection between trees and people.  They both grow and change.


*We read the Read for the Record book called With Lots of Love.  *We sang a new song to help us remember the seasons of the year.  In Phy. Ed. we pretended to throw garbage into Oscar the Grouch’s garbage can.


*We read There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves.  *We identified the difference between living and nonliving things.  *Our ending song this week has been “If You Love Halloween Clap Your Hands.”  


Next Week:

Wear your Halloween costume on Tuesday, October 31st.  Weapons and face paint are not allowed.  Snack helpers have already been assigned for this day so please do not send any additional food treats.

We will be learning about the color purple and the shape rectangle.  Our new theme is clothing.  Wear purple on Monday, October 30th. 

Additional Information:

 *Halloween on Main St.- Oct. 27 from 4:00-6:00  *WLC Parent/Teacher Conferences- Nov. 2, and Nov. 9   *Picture retakes- Nov. 2nd  *Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 22-24