November 27- December 1, 2023

Our Week in 4K

November 27 - December 1, 2023


*Our letter this week is Ll, our number is 0, and the Word of the Week is “you.”  *We read the book Something from Nothing and learned about handkerchiefs.  *Ms. Blackburn was our substitute teacher and she loved being in 4K.  *This week in small group we are writing the number zero, making a wish list, and writing the letter L.


*Everyone had their vision and hearing checked at school.  *We reread Something From Nothing and tried to remember all of the items that Grandpa made for Joseph.  *We identified ways to sort our shirts (sleeve length, words, pictures, and colors).  



*We practiced saying the rhyme Little Miss Muffet and learned about tuffets and curds and whey.  *There are new toys out!  Ask me what new toys I have played with.  *Keep practicing name writing at home.  Letters should start at the top and go down.  



*During our social lesson we were introduced to solution cards.  Solution cards help us solve problems independently.  *We read The Itsy Bitsy Spider and practiced singing the song.  *We acted out the rhyme Little Miss Muffet.

Next Week:

We will be learning about the letter Ff and the number 1. 


Additional Information:

  *December family projects were due on Dec. 1st.  Keep sending them in to help decorate our hallway tree!  *PTG Meeting: Dec. 13 at 8:00  *Winter Holiday Concert: Dec. 20th at 9:00, 4K student drop off at 8:00, return your RSVP concert slip by Dec. 8th