September 11-15, 2023

Our Week in 4K

September 11-15, 2023


*Our color this week is blue, our shape is a circle, and the word of the week is “go”  * We read Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes.  *In Phy. Ed. we used pool noodles to pick up a ball with a partner. 


 *This week in small groups we learned about lines (big, little, curved, straight), drew self portraits, and sorted shapes.  *We had fun rereading Pete the Cat by doing actions and singing with the book.  *We started a project in art class using circles. 


*We read Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes.   *The end of the day song for the week is called “Rock Your Body to the Colors” by Jack Hartman.  *In music class with Mrs. Grams we had a great time singing and dancing!




 *We went to the library and all got to choose one book to borrow!  *We reread Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes.  *During our social lesson we practiced the following activity: When I hear my name I need to stop what I’m doing and look at the person who is saying my name.  


Next Week:

We will be learning about the color yellow and the shape star.  Wear yellow on Monday, Sept. 18th!  

Additional Information:

*Various illnesses have already started spreading around the WLC.  Please help your child remember to use the following healthy habits: keep fingers out of mouths, use a kleenex to get boogers out of noses, and cover sneezes with your elbow.  *On Track to Kindergarten homework is due every Monday.  Don’t forget to have your child complete the drawing/activity on the back of the homework sheet.  *Please initial the planner after each day of school.   *September 28th- Picture Day  *Oct. 6th- WLC Walkathon