September 25-29, 2023

Our Week in 4K

September 25-29, 2023


*Our color this week is orange, our shape is a triangle, and the Words of the Week are “no” and “not.”  *We read The Gingerbread Man.  *In Phy. Ed., Mrs. Ash let us use scooters to play a game.



 *This week in small groups we discussed the importance of keeping hands to self, read our Scholastic magazine, and identified good choices and not good choices.  *We reread The Gingerbread Man and identified characters in the story.  *We had our first “cooking experience.”  Ask me what we used to make the school bus that we ate.  



*Picture day!  *We read The Gingerbread Kid Goes to School.  *We have new toys in our room!  Ask me what new toys or areas I tried.  *During our social lesson we identified feelings.


*We reread The Gingerbread Kid Goes to School and tried to remember the characters in the story.  They were different from the traditional gingerbread tale.  *During our social lesson we identified feelings.  *We are learning that if a shape has three sides it’s still a triangle no matter if it points up, down, or to the side. 


Next Week:

*Our new October themes are fire safety and trees.  Next week we'll be learning about the color red and the shape octagon.  Wear red on Monday, October 2nd. 

Additional Information:

*Discuss and practice your family’s fire safety plan with your child before returning the fire safety sheet.  Remember meeting places must be away from the house.  *WLC Walkathon- Oct. 6th  *Waupaca Homecoming- Oct. 6th  *WLC Parent/Teacher Conferences- October 12th, Nov. 2nd, and Nov. 9th  *No School- Oct. 20th