
Our alumni have pursued many different careers, including:

  • counselors (e.g. mental health, marriage & family, school,rehabilitation)
  • communications specialists
  • human resources administrators
  • librarians
  • doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, & physical therapists
  • research analysts and research associates

  • aviation administration
  • social workers/case-program managers
  • teachers (e.g. preK through college, special education, instructional resource)
  • lawyers and paralegals
  • psychologists
  • veterinarians

A number hold positions at:

  • private business (e.g. creative director, web designer, owner, sales manager, consultant, technical support manager, manager of production design)
  • institutions of higher education (e.g. departmental assistant, lab coordinator, animal caretaker, assistant director of counseling, area coordinator, financial aid)
  • non-profit organizations (e.g. dog trainer, family investment specialist, executive director of foundation, parish projects coordinator)

Use the links under career and/or the index to explore the myriad of career paths our psychology alumni have taken.

If you are interested in speaking with a certain alum about their graduate school and/or career experiences, just ask the academic program support coordinator for psychology, Angie Draheim '03 (, 240-895-4290). She'll network to get you contact information.