10.2.3. Stressed pronouns

Stressed pronouns are always used after a preposition; they can also be placed after a verb for greater emphasis, hence the name “stressed.”  For example,


Questi fiori sono per te. = These flowers are for you.

Come state voi?! = How are you guys doing?!

A me non piace questo posto. = I don’t like this place.

Andiamo da lei. = Let’s go to her place.

Vengono con me. = They are coming with me.


Notice that the set of stressed personal pronouns is very similar to the set of personal pronouns:




Piacere, interessare, mancare and other verbs that require an indirect construction will sometimes use the standard indirect-object pronoun, or they will sometimes use a stressed pronoun. For example, mi (“to/for me”) can be spelled out in this stressed form in Italian as a me. E.g.,


Mi piace cucinare. OR  A me piace cucinare.

I like to cook.


Gli interessa la fisica. OR A lui interessa la fisica.

He is interested in physics.


Le piacciono le patate fritte. OR  A lei piacciono le patate fritte.

She likes french fries.


Mi manca molto. OR  A me manca molto.

I miss her/him/it.