10.2.1. Direct-object pronouns

Following are some examples of direct-object pronouns, i.e., pronouns that can be used in place of direct objects:


Carla ascolta la canzone? > Sì, la ascolta.

Is Carla listening to the song?  > Yes, she is listening to it.


Mario compra un libro > Mario lo compra.

Mario buys a book      > Mario buys it.


Following is the full set of direct-object pronouns:   



Rules for using direct-object pronouns:


Aspetto la mia amica > l’aspetto

I am waiting for my friend > I am waiting for her


Sto organizzando l’ufficio > l’organizzo

I am organizing my office > I’m organizing it



Ho mangiato il gelato > l’ho mangiato

I ate the ice cream > I ate it


Hai ascoltato il messagio? Sì, l’ho ascoltato.

Did you listen to the message? Yes, I listened to it.


Hanno aiutato quella signora? Sì, l’hanno aiutata.

Did they help that lady? Yes, they helped her.



Ha chiuso la porta? > Sì, l’ha chiusa.

Did he/she close the door? > Yes, she closed it.


Hai visto i libri? > No, non li ho visti.

Did you see the books? > No, I didn’t see them.


Hanno portato tutti gli antipasti? > Sì, li hanno portati.

Did they bring all the appetizers? > Yes, they brought them all.


Avete trovato la chitarra? > Sì l’abbiamo trovata.

Did you find the guitar? > Yes, we found it.


The verb expression ecco (here is/here are) is frequently paired with direct object pronouns. E.g.,



Here it is/here he is.



Here I am!



More examples:

- Ragazzi, state aspettando Mario e Gianna? Eccoli!

-Guys, are you waiting for Mario and Gianna? Here they are!


-          Dov'è la mia penna? Ah, eccola, è sul tavolo.

-          Where is my pen? Oh, here it is, it’s on the table.


You will also frequently hear these combinations followed by an adverb of place like qua/qui (here) lì/là (there/over there), e.g.,


- Dove sono le mie scarpe? = Eccole lì, sotto il letto.

- Where are my shoes? > Here they are (right there), under the bed.


- Dov'è il gatto? Eccolo là.

- Where is the cat? There he is (right over there).


A final point on pronouns with ecco deals with the partitive (pronoun) ne. See Section 10.7 for more detail. Following are some examples of how ne (“some/ a few”) will attach to ecco:


Ho bisogno di qualche fazzoletto...eccone.

I need a few tissues...here are some.


Vogliamo vedere delle piante esotiche...eccone.

We want to see some exotic plants...here are a few.