1.3.3. Imperfect versus present perfect

Imperfetto versus passato prossimo


Before we list the ways that the imperfetto and the passato prossimo are used differently, let’s look at a common construction in which they are used together:


To describe how one action was taking place (and continued to take place) when another action happened (and then finished):


Mentre leggevo il giornale lei ha preparato il caffè.

While I was reading [imperfect] the paper, she made [present perfect] the coffee.


Io dormivo quando lui è rientrato.

I was sleeping [imperfect] when he came back home [present perfect].


Mentre studiavano, lei è andata via.

While they were studying [imperfect], she left [present perfect].



The passato prossimo and the imperfetto have different uses to describe past events. Following are general guidelines for their respective purposes:

Passato prossimo



Ieri ho pranzato con Silvia.

Yesterday I had lunch with Silvia.



Giovedì siamo andati alla partita.

On Thursday we went to the game.


Siamo andati allo stadio tre volte.

We went to the stadium three times.


Mi sono svegliato, ho preparato il caffè e ho letto il giornale.

I woke up, made the coffee, and read the paper.



Abbiamo aspettato cinque ore alla stazione.

We waited (for) five hours at the station.



In quel periodo, studiavo molto.

Back then I studied a lot.



Facevamo colazione a quel bar.

We used to have breakfast at that cafe.



Mentre studiavo, lei preparava la cena.

While I was studying, she was making dinner.



Erano le dieci quano sono rientrato

It was ten o’clock when I got back home