3.4. The subjunctive, congiuntivo

Uses of the subjunctive

The subjunctive is a mood of the Italian verb that indicates doubt, uncertainty, hope, fear, possibility, opinions, etc. In contrast with the indicative mood, the subjunctive is subjective (it is often used to express personal views and feelings) whereas the indicative is objective (it is used to express certainty).


The subjunctive is used in dependent clauses. Its use in the dependent clause of a sentence is often triggered by the expression of doubt, uncertainty, etc., in the main clause. E.g.,


Penso che lui abbia un problema.

I think that he has a problem.


Following are more examples of how the the subjunctive is used after verbs and phrases that express:


-          personal opinions (pensare/think; credere/believe; ritenere/claim; etc.)


Penso che la mia città sia inquinata.

I think my city is polluted.


Marco ritiene che Roma sia una città molto vivibile.

Marco claims that Rome is a very nice city to live in.


-          emotions (avere paura/be afraid; temere/fear; essere felice/be happy; avere paura/be afraid: etc.)


Siamo felici che Paola e Francesco vengano a trovarci domani.

We are happy that P and F are coming to see us tomorrow.


Ho paura che l’esame sia troppo difficile.

I’m afraid that the exam is too difficult.


Mi dispiace che abbia perso suo padre.

I’m sorry that she lost her father.


-          hopes (sperare/hope; desiderare/desire; etc.)


Spero che non ci sia traffico.

I hope there is not traffic.


Desideriamo che le vacanze arrivino presto.

We hope vacation gets here soon.


The subjunctive is not used when the subject is the same in the main clause and the dependent clause. This will not trigger the subjunctive in the dependent clause. In that case the verb in the main clause is followed by: di + infinitive. E.g.,


Roberto teme di perdere il treno. = Roberto is afraid he is going to miss the train.


Spero di vederti presto! = I hope to see you again soon!


Penso di andare domani. = I think I will go tomorrow.


Lui vuole trasferirsi subito. = He wants to move immediately.


Attenzione!: See Sections 3.4.5 and 16.2.2 for exceptions to this same-subject rule.