9.4. Poco, molto, troppo as adjectives

Poco (“a little/few/some”), molto (“a lot/ many/ very), and  troppo (“too much/ excessively”) are adjectives which give approximate quantities or qualities to the nouns (and sometimes verbs) they accompany. Following are some examples:


Ho comprato molti regali.

I bought a lot of gifts.


Conosce poche ragazze.

He (only) knows a few girls


Hanno mangiato troppa cioccolata.

They ate too much chocolate.


Their forms (as adjectives) are regular as they will agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.



*Notice that poco must insert an –h in its plural forms, e.g.,


Hanno avuto poche pere.

They only had a few pears.


Ho visto pochi appartamenti.

I (only) saw a few apartments.


Please see Section 10.7 for a note on how pochi, molti, troppi can be used as indefinite pronouns.