4.3.2. Passive voice with venire  and andare

Venire is not used as frequently as essere to create the passive (even though its usage is increasing in both the spoken and journalistic language), but it lends a greater sense of ‘dynamic’ action to the verb. The key function of the passive voice is still maintained: the emphasis is on the subject of the verb, and not the agent or ‘causer’ of the verb.


Viene accettata!

She’s getting accepted!


Verrà accettata!

She will be accepted.


Andare with a passive verb expresses a sense of necessity or duty, similar to “must” in English (in these cases, you will rarely see an agent/causer; the emphasis is on what must happen to the subject), e.g.,


I libri vanno letti.

The books will be (must be) read.


I criminali vanno puniti.

The criminals will be (must be) punished.