9.2. Quello as a demonstrative adjective

Quello can be a demonstrative adjective meaning “that” (when singular) or “those” (when plural):


Quel gatto è curioso. = That cat is curious.

Quei gatti sono curiosi. = Those cats are curious.


As an adjective, quello has seven forms (mirroring the seven forms of the definite article and of the adjective bello). It will always precede the noun it modifies and agree in gender and number:


                                                Form of definite article         Form of quello

                                                il ragazzo                                 quel ragazzo

                                                i ragazzi                                   quei ragazzi

                                                l’amico/a                                 quell’amico/a

                                                lo specchio                              quello specchio

                                                gli amici/specchi                      quegli amici/specchi

                                                la donna                                  quella donna

                                                le donne                                   quelle donne