9x. 1945 and Beyond

World War 2 is obviously not the end of recorded history, as we well. Many important and spectacular things have occurred since the ending of World War 2. Unfortunately, we don't enough time to discuss these items in depth. Instead, we will conduct a short project in which pairs of you will choose a option from the list below and you will create a "Breaking News Bulletin". Each of these events will be of the nature that you can pretend that the events is breaking right now and you can announce the details to the network TV audience.


One person must be on camera as the news anchor

One person MAY (not required) appear as a video cut away who is "at the scene"

Videos must be longer than 15 seconds, and no longer that 45 seconds

Videos must include at least one picture of, or directly related to the event

You must answer: Who is involved? What is happening? Where is this happening? When did this happen? Why is this happening?

You may answer: How did this happen?


Berlin Airlift America Becomes Involved in South Korea

Sen. McCarthy Accuses Many of Being Communist

Brown vs. Board of Education The United States and Russia aren't getting along

Woolworths Sit in Cuban Missile Crisis

Kennedy Assassinated Neil Armstrong walks on the moon

Vietnam War Ends The Watergate Incident

Nixon Resigns U-2 incident over Russia

Soviet Union Fights Taliban U.S. fights Taliban

Shock and Awe Capture of Sadaam Hussein

Tsunami in Japan Hurricane Andrew

Shoe Bomber Lockerbie Terrorist bombing

Obama elected President No Child Left Behind

Gas Shortage of the 1970's The Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan Show

MLK Jr. Shot Malcolm X Shot

Reagan's War on Drugs First Gulf War Begins

2000 election results disputed Berlin Wall Built

Berlin War comes down Start of the Vietnam War

Arms Race World Population hits 7 Billion