Day 1-Choosing a Character

Choosing a character.

Keep in mind, your entire premise for the project is to give a voice to someone that had no voice. Someone that hasn't had the chance to have their story told. So when you select your character, remember that it probably shouldn't be someone that everyone has heard of.

In choosing your character you will need to fill out the sign up sheet. This sheet includes three things that you need to have thought out.

1. Who is your character? If you know the name a specific person you should put there name in this section, as well as a brief description of who they were. If you don't have a name, but you do have a character in mind, describe it as best you can. (ex. A woman living in the ghetto in Warsaw. A man assigned to hard labor at Auschwitz. A kid that rode the train to a concentration camp and is going through processing.)

2. Explain why you want to bring this character to life. What makes this person interesting to you? Why do you want to find out more about this character? Explain, briefly what makes you excited to find out more about this character.

3. Explain what you think this person might have to say. Explain what you might think this person will have to say. This may end up changing by the time the project is over, but this will give you a hypothesis to start from. Describe if the person will be sorrowful, full of joy, excited, vengeful, etc. What is their "call to action"? What type of voice will they use?

Holocaust Project Character Profile.pdf