1b. John Brown

John Brown. A man involved in many things, but just what is he to the history of the United States? Is he a hero? A Martyr? An all around good guy that just had things no quite work out?

Or is he rabble rouser? A loud mouth...dare we ask, terrorist?

Follow the steps in blue to help better understand john brown and you can make your own decision about what john brown "is".

Step 1: Fill out the PDF attached at the bottom the sheet. You might struggle with some of the answers since you don't know a lot about John Brown yet, but that's okay. We're going to revisit them in a bit

Use this page to better understand what John Brown was all about. Linked is a video that describes in deeper detail the events that ultimately led to John Brown's demise. Below, there is a PDF with questions that need to be answered for tomorrow.

Step 2: Watch video and read the article with it that is linked below. Then listen to Mr. Rude's take on John Brown. Feel free to sit on the floor and get comfortable if you wish.

John Brown's Adventures

Mr. Rude's take on John Brown

Step 3: Read the letter bellow. (Yes, it's English...yes it's old style cursive...give it your best shot). Answer the question in red after reading the letter.

Who do you think wrote it and what does it say?

HdQrs. Harpers Ferry

18th Oct 1859

Colonel Lee U.S.A. Commdr the troops sent by the President of the U.S. to suppress the insurrection at this place, demands the surrender of the persons in the Army buildings.

If they will peaceably surrender themselves & restore the pillaged property, they shall be kept in safety to await the orders of the President.

Col Lee represents to them in all frankness that it is impossible for them to escape, that the Armoury is surrounded on all sides by troops & that if he is Compelled to take them by force he Cannot answer for their safety.

R E Lee

Col Commdr

U.S. Troops

List of Insurgents

John Brown. of N.Y. Commd in Chief Badly wounded Prisoner

Aaron C. Stevens. Conn. Captain Badly wounded Prisoner

Edwin Copper. Iowa. Lieutenant unhurt Prisoner

Oliver Brown. N.Y. Captain Killed

Watson Brown. N.Y. Captain Killed

Albert Hazlett Penn. Lieut. Killed

Wm. Seman. Maine Lieut. Killed

Stuart Taylor. Canada. Private Killed

Chas. P. Tidd. Maine. Private Killed

Wm. Thompson N.Y. Private Killed

Adolph Thompson N.Y. Private Killed

John Kagi Ohio Private Killed

Jeremiah Anderson Ind. Private Killed

14th, John E. Cook Conn. Captain Escaped


Dangerfield Newly Ohio Killed

Louis Seary Ohio, Oberlin Killed

Green Shields (alias Emperor) N.Y. Unhurt Prisoner

Copeland Ohio, Oberlin Prisoner

5 O.P. Anderson Penn. unaccounted for.

List of killed & wounded by the Insurgents

Fontaine Beckham. R.R. Agent, Mayor of Harpers Ferry

G.W. Turner. Jefferson Co. Virg.

Thos. Boerley Harpers Ferry

  1. Heywood Shepherd Negro R.R. Porter

  2. Private Quinn Marine Corps killed

M Murphy wounded

“ Young “

“ Richardson “

“ Hammond “

“ McCabe “

“ Dorsy “

“ Hooper “

“ Woollet “

Step 4: Go back an RE-ANSWER the questions your answered before. Be prepared to discuss as a class.

John Brown Questions