Revision Process

Writing is a process. Your first draft will always be just that...a first draft.

Revising is part of the process. In fact, it is the MOST IMPORTANT STEP in the process! Good ideas that we start with can be turned into great ideas and ideas with potential into solid papers and speeches.

Here's what you do.

Step1. Read your own work! If you take your time to read your first draft from beginning to end, and think about what you're saying you'll catch little thinks, like the spelling error I included in this sentence (things, not thinks).

Step 2. Have three other people read it. You can even give them specific things to look for, like "is there anything that doesn't make sense?" or "does this character have part of their story missing?"

Step 3. Use the feedback you get to make revisions to you narrative. Keep in mind, you may need to delete, add to, or reformat small or large parts of your narrative. This is okay, and will ultimately make it better.