Interesting History

Today we will examine some cases of very interesting history. Some of it you may have heard of, other tidbits you may not be aware.

Your task:

Step 1: Open the this link:

Step 2: Read through the stories. Find one or two that you would like to know more about.

Step 3: Use the vast expanses of the internet to find out more about it.

Step 4: Write up a short (or long) description that you can share with class.\


You're looking for deeper information. For example, Abraham Lincoln is in the wrestling Hall of Fame. This is true. Where is the Hall of Fame? Does this relate to us here in New Hampton at all? What wrestling style did the future 16th President use?

Click this link, read about Boston Corbett. He's an interesting dude!

Click this link, read about The First Thanksgiving. It didn't go down the way you think.

Click this link, read about ALIEN ABDUCTIONS. Sometimes the stories almost seem to make sense