9a. Anne Frank Project

Anne Frank and her family went through what could only be described as a living nightmare as they hid in an attic while trying to avoid the Nazi's. At the time, the Nazi's were rounding up every known Jew they could find and were taking them to concentration camps to either use them for labor, or kill them. Lucky for us, young Anne Frank was a constant journaler, and because of this we have her and her family's story well documented. That has been turned into the play that you are reading in Literacy right now.

As part of our Unit(s) on the Holocaust, your social studies and Literacy classes will be teaming up to create a project to test your understanding of the Diary of Anne Frank and your knowledge of the Holocaust. You will be tasked with writing a speech that is done in the form of character from the play, or other approved character (not necessarily from the play). If you choose to do your speech as someone not from the Diary of Anne Frank you will need to get it approved, IN WRITING, from both Mrs. ten Hoeve and Mr. Rude.

This speech should tell a story about the the person you are representing. This doesn't mean you simply tell a funny story about a single event. You are literally telling their story of experiencing the Holocaust.


Your speech will be written in the first person (meaning you are telling it as if it is yourself). This means using words like "I", "me", and "we".

Within this speech you will also need to incorporate 2 journal entries. These should be written as if they were written by the character you are portraying. What this means is that you will be giving your speech, and then you will "read" a journal entry that you have also written.

The story you create should have supporting details, based on fact and research.

The length should be two minute, give or take 30 seconds.

You will present these in front of your class.

You will be assessed by Literacy for your work writing the narrative.

You will be assessed in social studies for your work in research, accurate use of information, and your use of the podium points in your performance.