1. Amendments 13, 14, 15

Watch the following videos

Lincoln Trailer

Lincoln explaining the importance of the Amendment

Follow the directions below. Work in groups. Quick check quiz must be taken outside of class time.

1. Open the 13,14,15, PDF below in Notability, Fox it PDF reader, or Adobe, which ever one you are most comfortable with.

2. Complete the activity on page 3. It will ask you to find the date each amendment was added. You will need to use outside resources to find this. You may use the internet for this. You will also need to summarize (NOT COPY) what each amendment says. This means write down, in your own words, the rights that are being given and to whom?

3. Check with Mr. Rude to see that you have the correct understanding of each amendment. After you have checked in with Mr. Rude you may move on to step 4.

4. On your iPads, write down the following: Jim Crow laws, poll tax, grandfather clause, and literacy test. You need to use a dictionary (online is acceptable) to create a definition, in your own words, of each of these things.

5. Read through the following article from Jim Crow Article as pairs or individuals. Jim Crow Article

6. Answer these questions as pairs, or as individuals.

-Who were Jim Crow Laws focused on hurting?

-Which U.S. Supreme Court case essentially gave permission for Jim Crow Laws to exist?