3A. Dive Deeper into the New Deal

You've now gotten a bit of an idea of what the New Deal is all about. The time has come for you to explain to us just what it did to help Americans in the 1930's.

What you are going to do is show me that you understand how New Deal programs helped to improve the economy.

Objective: Show me that you know how a program improves an economy or prevents an economy's collapse. Show me that you know how an economy works.

To start the project, you must pick one New Deal program.

FDIC-Federal Depository Insurance Corporation

FTC-Federal Trade Commission

SEC-Securities and Exchange Commission

CCC-Civilian Conservation Corp

WPA-Works Progress Administration (Hoover Dam Project)

Bank Holiday-Closing Banks for a time during the Depression

Social Security-Money for retirees


I recommend you try to accomplish these two things

1. Tell us what your chosen program does/did for people.

2. Tell us HOW your chosen program helped people or help improve the economy.

Remember, you will LIKELY need to do a little research, meaning use a little Google and read, or use Youtube and find a video that explains it. The amount of research will depend on how quickly you FULLY understand your program.

You must share out your information in some type of visual way. It might be some kind of picture or chart, a video, or a model of some sort, but it must show how the New Deal program you mention helped the situation.

You might draw a diagram (or two) showing how money is flowing or not flowing, and how the program would help this situation.

You might draw a political cartoon showing how the program helps

You might create a short movie in which you voiceover an explanation of photos that you use to make your point. (think 60-150 seconds)

Here's a couple things to keep in mind:

You are proving to me HOW your program fixes or prevents an economic problem.

An economy works when money is flowing in the circle that we've talked about. Think about the different places where the money goes. Think of it like a "stop", before it gets spent again.

How does a program encourage money to flow?

How does a program prevent "stopping the flow" of money?

How does a program help to prevent a future crash?

.................. Links...............................Links.............................. Links...........................

General New Deal Programs info

Information from the FDIC

Additional FDIC info

Additional FDIC info 2

Info from the FTC

Bank Holiday Info

Civilian Conservation Corps info. They built parks and such

Additional CCC info

Information About the SEC

Additional Info About SEC

A Brief History of Social Security

FAQs about Social Security History