Injustice in Photos

Injustice in Photos

Photos tell a thousand words.

1. Do you think the woman is a construction worker? Why or why not?

2. What features in the photograph emphasize the woman’s competence?

3. What features in the photograph emphasize the woman’s beauty?

4. What is missing from the photo that you might expect to see?

5. Overall, what do you think of the woman in the photo? Why?

When you see this picture, what do you assume about these girls?

Are these stereotypes fair?

Who is this? What do you see?  What assumptions do you have about him? 

Did you know?

1. What's your first impression of this gentleman?  Who is he? Where's he from? What does he do?  Where is this photo taken?

What is your first impression of the guy on the right?  What does he do?  Will he become famous?