What's the Deal with Open Lunch?

Post date: Nov 16, 2016 4:16:33 PM

Open Lunch

Gracie Goings-12 Whats up, KHS? Do you ever wonder where your senior buddies go for lunch? Well let’s find out. Publications took a survey on the Paw Print’s Twitter (Follow us @khspawprint) and the results revealed that many of your pals are going to one of the many fast food locations in Kirksville.

70% of the students who voted grab a bite to eat at places like McDonald’s, Taco Bell, etc., but there is not much of a variety in the fast food restaurants. Do they ever get tired of eating out at the same places? Or do they try to mix it up and try to go to different restaurants every day? “I go wherever I am feeling that day, so usually a different place every day.” Destiny Stewart-12 said.

Eating out costs a lot of money and going out everyday will add up fairly quickly. My friends and I leave school for lunch everyday and my car of three people spends about $15 a day, which adds up to about $100 per person a month. A school lunch, without a la carte or extras, costs $2.10 a day on full pay or $.40 on reduced lunch. That adds up to about $42 (full pay) or $8 (reduced) a month which, is significantly cheaper than fast food.

15% of the students that voted just stay at school and eat. “I don’t have time to have a decent lunch anywhere else. 20 minutes is not long enough to go home, get food, and come back. I wish I had an off hour.” Zoe Rechav-12 (*cough cough* ok, same).

The other 15% go home and eat. “I choose to go home and eat rather than staying at school because school food isn't all that great. I’ve learned that in the 3 years I wasn't allowed an open lunch. Also I choose to go home because I live fairly close to the school and it saves a lot of money. In addition to that, I have the opportunity to make healthy food instead of eating fat, greasy food,” Madelyn Nugent-12 said.

So the answer to “where do your senior buddies go for lunch?” is that they are probably at McDonald’s without you. /: