Happy Holidays From KHS Publications

Alex Winkleman - 11


December is by far the most busy and stressful month of the year, whether you are a student or not. Everyone is thrown into a frenzy trying to prepare for the holidays, study for end-of-semester exams, and reflect on the conclusion of another year.

Many KHS students are trying to figure how to raise their grade before the end of the semester, save enough money to buy gifts for friends, attend as many basketball games and wrestling meets as they can, and prepare for our well deserved fourteen-day break.

Throughout December it is evident that most students celebrate Christmas, judging by their festive sweaters and fuzzy socks. Many students’ Christmas Day festivities consist of opening presents together as a family, then going to another family member’s house to eat a big meal and open even more gifts.

Fellow Publications member Rhea Rechav (12) celebrates Hanukkah. For eight days in December, her family does a candle-lighting ceremony, eats a meal together, and opens gifts.

Easily the most underrated holiday, New Year’s is also quite a big deal to high school students. Abby Reuschel (10) enjoys watching the ball drop on CNN hosted by her favorite “silver fox” Anderson Cooper.

For most students, it has become tradition to hang out with their friends to go into the new year. Sparkling grape juice is considered a necessity for parties. As Sydney Weber (12) says, “Getting together with friends and having fun! Eating snacks and drinking beverages! Then eventually kissing our honeys at midnight!”