KHS FBLA Members Sent To Nationals

By Sarah Yampanya -11

Tyler Self (11) and Charlie Tiedemann (11) both headed to a national competition because of a club called FBLA. what is FBLA you may ask, FBLA which stands for Future Business Leaders of America is an American career and technical student organization which helps high school students prepare for business careers through academic competitions. The competition also include standardized test that constitute of one hundred questions. Self and Tiedemann were a team of computer game and simulation programming. For Self and Tiedemann it included two parts. The first part was to make a game and the second part was to make a business presentation about the game. They had six months to make their game. Their game was an FBLA trivia question, the game’s name was FBLA dungeon crawler. To prepare for this event both Self and Tiedemann are part of a dual credit. Computer Science. The kirksville FBLA club is sponsored by Jonathon Walker. 12 people qualified for state but only eight went this year. Four people are going to nationals, the four FBLA members going to nationals are Tyler Self, Charlie Tiedemann, Bennett Hoshaw, and Charles Fraser.