Notable web postings - October 2017

Continued from Notable web postings - September 2017

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival

Concerts this month (October 2017)

October 6-14

Japan tour with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. and conductor Vladimir Jurowski  Eight performances in Fukuoka, Osaka, Aichi, Niigata, Tokyo, Shizuoka, Kanagawa.

For full schedule -- see Nobuyuki Tsujii × Vladimir Jurowski × LPO -- 2017

News, comments, photos collected at => Nobuyuki Tsujii with London Phil & Vladimir Jurowski 2017 Japan Tour

October 23 20:00

Beethoven-Chopin-Liszt recital

Théâtre des Champs-Elysées  , Paris, France

Venue announcement =>

News, comments, photos collected at => Nobuyuki Tsujii 2017 Paris Recital

Congratulations to Nobu for  successful  Paris Recital -- October 23 2017!!

♪ October 29 Should blindness be a factor of Nobu's performance evaluation?

A while back I mentioned a thoughtful blog post that came up in the wake of Nobu's Paris recital.

PHOTO above: Eiffle Tower and Pont de l'Alma (Alma bridge), one of the photos accompanying the blog post.

I haves finally made a translation of the text.

This blogger brings up a subject that I have wrestled with for a long time, on whether Nobu's blindness should be a factor in evaluating his performance.

My thoughts on the issue, if you are interested, can be found at the bottom of this page => A blogger on Nobu's Paris Recital -- should blindness be a factor of his performance evaluation?

♪ October 29 Year-end Video, please Shinobu tweet


BS Fuji, BS Asahi, Are you still announcing the annual [ Tsujii Nobuyuki Year-End / New Year's Holiday]?

I cannot have a new year unless I see Mr. Tsujii and I would not otherwise accept the New Year so thank you!

It is true that this year we haven't seen as many Nobu documentaries from Japan. 

But, there was filming on stage and backstage at the Paris performance, so perhaps there is hope!

♪ October 29 Typhoon and "Raindrop" prelude

Yura's tweet - Yura's tweet

🌟台風は東北東へ🌪 関西地区はすっかり静かになった。🎼ショパン 『雨だれ』が聴きたくなったので。この古いピアノの音色が、なんかたまりません💧✨ 『前奏曲第15番《雨だれ》』 🎹 辻井伸行

The typhoon moved northeast and the Kansai [Osaka] area became quiet again. I wanted to listen to Chopin "Prelude No. 15" Raindrop

[This video was uploaded by me years ago. It has had 1K views, which is high on this site.]

Debut 10-years Anniversary Album -- November 8 release -- now available on USA Amazon

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Nobu's "Debut" album, Avex is releasing a two-disc album on November 8. Disc 1 is classical music, and disc 2 Nobu's compositions -- this is the same format as the "Debut" album.

The album is now listed in the Avex catalog =>

and it looks like this is the album cover image (also used on the tour flyers).

The photo is the same as used  on the 2014 "Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Liszt" album (although that was in black-and-white). 

It is one of my all-time favorite of Nobu's photos -- although I wouldn't mind seeing a new image by the great photographer Mr. Yuji Hori.

The album (¥3000, same price as for the "Debut" album) can be pre-ordered from Amazon Japan ("アメリカ合衆国にお届けできます Shipping to USA available"), CDJapan, etc.

Track list at => Nobuyuki Tsujii "Debut 10 Years" Commemoration CD

NEW => This album is now available on USA Amazon for $43 (taxes included) and free shipping

-- compared to: $31 from  CDJapan deliver d by airmail 1-2 weeks; $34 from Amazon Japan by registered AmazonGlobal Priority Shipping  3- 6 days 

October 27 Gifu "Debut 10 years" 2018 Japan Tour performance "sold out in minutes"




日本ツアー《debut 10 years》

🎹 辻井伸行

"Nobuyuki Tsujii debut 10-year 2018 Japan recital tour -- Gifu tickets came on sale this morning at 10AM -- sold out in minutes."

Once again, in Japan it is Nobu's recitals -- not the orchestral performances -- that really sell out quickly.

A factor may be that ticket prices are lower, but I believe it is because Nobu's fans like to see HIM more in a performance. This recital might also draw some people who are interested in Kapustin's etudes.

October 27 "Still we are alive" Carnegie Hall encore video -- now over 13 million views

Yura tweeted:

🌟カーネギーホールデビュー 🎼最後のアンコール曲 自作『それでも、生きてゆく』 今年の3,11にYouTube視聴回数700万超えとツイート。そして現在は 1,324万回『ショパンが認める』など コメントは海外からが多数 🎹辻井伸行

"Carnegie Hall debut Last encore song his own work "Still, we are alive" (elegy to tsunami victims).

A tweet of this YouTube video was  viewed over 7 million times.  As of now the YouTube video has received over 13 million views. "

October 14 [Concert SMPSZ tweet]

Nobuyuki Tsujii sera au Théâtre des Champs-Elysées le 23/10 ! A lire : Portrait d'un très grand pianiste ➜

[Nobuyuki Tsujii will be at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées on October 23! To read: Portrait of a great pianist]

Debut 10-years Anniversary Album -- November 8 release

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Nobu's "Debut" album, Avex is releasing a two-disc album on November 8. Disc 1 is classical music, and disc 2 Nobu's compositions -- this is the same format as the "Debut" album.

The album is now listed in the Avex catalog =>

and it looks like this is the album cover image (also used on the tour flyers).

The photo is the same as used  on the 2014 "Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Liszt" album (although that was in black-and-white). 

It is one of my all-time favorite of Nobu's photos -- although I wouldn't mind seeing a new image by the great photographer Mr. Yuji Hori.

The album (¥3000, same price as for the "Debut" album) can be pre-ordered from Amazon Japan ("アメリカ合衆国にお届けできます Shipping to USA available"), CDJapan, etc.

Track list at => Nobuyuki Tsujii "Debut 10 Years" Commemoration CD

♪ October 9  "Another whirlwind Japan tour in 2018"

Nobuyuki Tsujii and London Phil 2017 is old news -- looking ahead ... (Yura's tweet)


Never mind the encores -- it's for fans. Well , I got the next flyer for 2018. Another whirlwind tour, with [Vasily] Petrenko.

Hyogo Performing Arts 5/12 Nobuyuki Tsujii and Fumiaki Miura with the Liverpool Phil.

Osaka Festival Hall 5/13 Nobuyuki Tsujii 2 Piano Concertos with the Liverpool Phil

♪ October 6/7 More CM photos

The Japan Tobacco Co. posted a batch of photos that are offshoots from the CM with Nobu and singer Sayaka Yamamoto, including the ones below.

As you can see, these are photos of very high quality, and Nobu looks good in them. I may not approve of their products, but I' have to say that this company knows how to do commercials.

The photos can be viewed at

More about the CM at Nobuyuki Tsujii in TV commerical with singer Sayaka Yamamoto

♪ October 6 Kazuo Ishiguro wins the Nobel prize in literature 2017

I am glad that Kazuo Ishiguro, Japanese born British writer, is the winner of this year's Nobel prize in literature.  His novel "Remains of the Day" is a masterpiece, in my humble opinion.

Ishiguro was born in Japan (Nagasaki) and migrated to U.K. at a very young age.

There must be something in the water in Japan to generate so many great artists.

♪ October 5 Nobu to appear on TV show "Another Sky"  on Oct 6 23:30 (Yura tweet)

明日のTV『アナザースカイ』 23時半〜CMで初登場するみたいですね♬《新CMではシリーズで出演いただいてる山本彩さんと、日本を代表する世界的ピアニストのコラボレーションが実現!気になる山本彩さんのお相手は…?》って、辻井伸行ネ!

It seems there will be an appearance at 23:30 - TV show "Another Sky" ♬

"Aya Yamamoto who has appeared on the new CM (commercial) for the show,

Collaboration with a world-class pianist representing Japan is realized! Who is  playing with Aya Yamamoto ...? "

Nobuyuki Tsujii!

Sayaka Yamamoto 山本彩 is a member of the Japanese idol girl group NMB48 -- The singer must be really popular in Japan: her original tweet with the brief clip has received  16K "like"s.

A clip of the CM can be seen at


And the commercial is now on  YouYube =>

-- it's getting a lot of notice on the web. It saddens me to note that the commercial is for JT -- Japan Tobacco.

(To my knowledge, Nobu is not a smoker, although smoking is prevalent in Japan. ) The video description says " 'May your life be the best story in the world.' 'Another sky' limited edition CM of JT's 'While I follow' series, called 'Story of an encounter.'"In the video, Nobu -- his hair slicked -- is wearing a white shirt, black trousers with suspenders.  He plays the piano (possibly in an improvisation)  accompanying the singing.  The footage includes the showing of still photos of ordinary people looking happy as they go about in their lives.

Excerpt from a lengthy article promoting the launch of the commercial today


『ひといきつきながら 出会い篇 山本彩×辻井伸行』では、 NMB48・山本彩さんの伸びやかで力強い歌声に、ピアニスト・辻井伸行さんが奏でるやさしいピアノの音色が合わさり、綺麗なハーモニーが生み出されています。「ひといきつきながら」を初めてコラボレーションで歌った山本彩さんの面持ちからは、緊張感と共演で歌うことによる楽しさが感じられ、辻井伸行さんと一つの音楽を紡ぎあげていく姿に、視聴者の胸が熱くなるようなCMとなっていますHighlights of the CM

"While meeting  you -- story of an encounter" Yamamoto Aya and Nobuyuki Tsujii " , the vibrant and powerful singing voice of Aya Yamamoto of NMB 48 (a pop music female band) is accompanied by the tone of the piano played by pianist  Nobuyuki Tsujii, and beautiful harmony is created in the combination.  From the look of Aya Yamamoto, who performs  "While I follow" by collaboration for the first time, she felt pleasure by singing with tension and co-starring with Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii to make music.  This is a commercial that will stir emotion in the viewers.

In another article




The CM is a beautiful harmony with Yamamoto's lively and powerful singing voice combined with the gentle piano sounds played by Tsujii.

Ms. Yamamoto was singing in collaboration for the first time in the CM series. At the CM shooting site, Ms. Yamamoto ran up to Mr. Tsujii and said, "If you do not mind, let's practice a little?" It was their first meeting, and a scene shrinking the distance was seen by matching the singing voice with the timbre of the piano before the actual production, shooting was done in a calm atmosphere from the beginning.

At the finish of the shooting, Ms. Yamamoto commented, "As I looked back, Mr. Tsujii was smiling firmly and I am relieved."

♪ October 4  "Let's give Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii the National Honor Award!"

This post just came up:


Let's give Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii the National Honor Award!











Blind pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii is

an encouragement for people with disabilities.

No, even people without handicaps

are much encouraged by his way of life.

His existence and performances are

also positive for young people's education.

He is also a pride of the Japanese.

Is this not a person worthy of the National Honor Award?

I think so.

It is precious for a human being to do so well in spite of adversity.

♪ October 3 Additional Seats made available for 11/27 Tokyo "Music & Painting concert"

The Nobuyuki Tsujii official website announced that additional seats have been made available for the "Music & Painting" concert 11/27(月)19:00 東京 オーチャードホール Tokyo Bunkamura Orchard Hall, by popular demand.

The show was sold out quickly when tickets came on sale on August 19.

11/27(月)19:00 東京 Bunkamuraオーチャードホール

辻井伸行 音楽と絵画コンサート




 ♪ October 1 Avex Classics posted 10-Year Debut Tour HP (home page)

Avex Classics has come up with an official HP (home page) for the tour

It is a nice poster, as we have already seen. (I do wonder they don't use a new photo? It's been a while since we see a great photo of Nobu by Mr. Yuji Hori )

News about this tour is being collected at this page => Nobuyuki Tsujii 2018 Debut 10 years Japan Tour